Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Lebanese Brain Drain - 1155 Words

Lebanon is facing a critical economic situation. The economic crisis is encouraging Lebanese citizens to emigrate, leaving their country, and their families behind. Statistics showed that â€Å"most emigrants are mainly men between the ages of 20 to 44†, Safieddine, Assem (2004). Also, by losing Lebanon’s middle class, Lebanon is becoming more deprived of productivity and development. Since the most educated people are the most common emigrants, the government should put more effort into improving Lebanon’s current situation and provide proper representatives to assess the country’s social, political, and economical problem. Emigration has come to have a few causes. One cause is economic, which is because of the lack of opportunities and†¦show more content†¦Emigration has always been a common thing in Lebanon. There is no doubt that after the war ended in 2006, tension grew stronger in Lebanon. Massive assassinations and demonstrations then began , and drew the country into civil war. Many of the emigrants who left never came back, and more are leaving as conflicts are increasing. Almost every Lebanese now carries much uncertainty, not knowing if another fight or political crisis will begin. Not knowing whether Lebanon will have a better future is turning into a burden and is pushing people to have enough of living in the way they are today. Lebanese people have had enough of the tension, and the grief towards their country. Lebanon has always been known as the country filled with beauty, having it all; sea, snow, mountains, and urban areas. Now it is known as the country that is losing hope as long as the government and politicians don’t get along to unite the country once and for all. Every family across the region, hopes for a better future, and wonders if that day will ever come. The temptation of a better living abroad with great living conditions along with political stability is draining our country’s economy. Opportunities outside Lebanon are luring our graduates and educated people to fit positions around the world when they should be productive in their home land and invest their time and effort into the country they represent. Educated people need to stay and take care ofShow MoreRelatedThe Causes Of The Overwhelming Civil War In Syria1183 Words   |  5 Pagesto security incidents and especially political disagreements which reduces tourist’s expenditures and decrease GDP. †¢ Total employment in tourism sector dropped since the beginning of the Syrian war. For Paige Kollock (2015) the war in Syria hurts Lebanese tourism sector and decreases its economic development. †¢ Visitors from the Gulf Arab countries (Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Doha, Saudi Arabia, and UAE) who makeup approximately a third of Lebanon’s tourists, and account for the huge numberRead MoreQuestions On Risk Management Culture Essay820 Words   |  4 Pagesrisk management practices. Table 2: Reliability statistics ERM Components Cronbach Alpha N of items Risk Management Culture 0.782 15 Risk Control 0.747 6 Emerging Risks Management 0.646 3 4-2 Current enterprise risk management practices in the Lebanese insurance sector The questions aim to understand risk management practices in the insurance sector. They are split into 3 sections: risk management culture, risk control and emerging risks management, in order to explore the enterprise risk managementRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesBalkans, and Muslims who moved into Asia Minor were the precursors of the mass refugee movements of the twentieth century, as were the 1 million Armenians expelled from Turkey after 1915.30 Merchant diasporas also continued to flourish, including Lebanese merchants, who spread throughout the world and became especially prominent in West Africa, and Hadramis and Omanis from the southern Arabian peninsula, who moved throughout the Indian Ocean regions from eastern Africa to Java.31 In a differentRead MoreAccounting Information System Chapter 1137115 Words   |  549 Pages There are a number of ways to relate the input/process/store/output model to the human 2-2 Accounting Information Systems body. Here are a few of them  ·  · Brain. We read, see, hear, and feel things. We process that input in order to understand what it is and how it relates to us. We store that data in our brains and then process it again in order to produce solve problems, make decisions, etc., which represent output. Stomach. We take food in as input. It is processed to produce

Monday, December 16, 2019

The Secret Circle The Captive Chapter Eleven Free Essays

â€Å"This is all too weird for me,† Laurel said, shivering. â€Å"But what does it tell us?† Deborah challenged. â€Å"It’s another link to Black John,† Adam said. We will write a custom essay sample on The Secret Circle: The Captive Chapter Eleven or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Other than that, nothing.† â€Å"So it’s a dead end, like the cemetery,† Faye said, looking pleased. Cassie had the feeling they were wrong, but she couldn’t explain why, so she kept her mouth shut. Something else was worrying her, worrying her terribly. The piece of hematite that right now felt as heavy as a bit of neutron star in her pocket †¦ it had come from the ruins of Black John’s house. It might even have belonged to him. Which meant that she had to tell Diana about it. People were wandering around, breaking up into small groups. The meeting, for all intents and purposes, was over. Cassie took a deep breath and went to Diana. â€Å"I didn’t get a chance to talk to you earlier,† she said. â€Å"But I wanted to tell you about something that happened yesterday.† â€Å"Cassie, you don’t have to tell me. I know it wasn’t like Faye said.† Cassie blinked, thrown off balance. â€Å"What did Faye say?† â€Å"We don’t even have to talk about it. I know it’s not true.† â€Å"But what did she say?† Diana looked uncomfortable. â€Å"She said- you were over at her house last night, playing- well, some kind of game.† â€Å"Pizza Man,† Cassie said distinctly. When Diana stared at her, she explained, â€Å"Pizza Man He Delivers.† â€Å"I know what it’s called,† Diana said. She was scanning Cassie’s face. â€Å"But I’m sure you would never †¦Ã¢â‚¬  â€Å"You’re sure? You can’t be sure,† Cassie cried. It was too much-Diana’s blind insistence on her innocence. Didn’t Diana realize that Cassie was bad, evil? â€Å"Cassie, I know; you. I know you wouldn’t do anything like that.† Cassie was feeling more and more agitated. Something inside her was getting ready to snap. â€Å"Well, I was there. And I did do it. And†-she was getting close to the source of the anguish inside her-â€Å"you don’t know what kind of things I would or wouldn’t do. I’ve already done some things-â€Å" â€Å"Cassie, calm down-â€Å" Cassie reeled a step backward, stung. â€Å"I am calm. Don’t tell me to calm down!† â€Å"Cassie, what’s wrong with you?† â€Å"Nothing’s wrong with me. I just want to be left alone!† Diana’s eyes sparked green. She was tired, Cassie knew, and anxious. And maybe she’d reached a snapping point, too. â€Å"All right,† she said, with unaccustomed sharpness in her normally gentle voice. â€Å"I’ll leave you alone, then.† â€Å"Fine,† Cassie said, her throat swollen and her eyes stinging. She didn’t want to fight with Diana-but all this anger and pain inside her had to go somewhere. She’d never known how awful it was to have people insist you were good, when you werern’t. Her fingers unclenched from the piece of hematite, and she left it in her pocket as she turned around and walked away. She stared down over the edge of the cliff at the swirling waves below. Faye moved in beside her, bringing a scent of sweet, musky perfume. â€Å"Show it to me.† â€Å"Huh?† â€Å"I want to see what’s in your pocket that you’ve been holding on to like it might run away.† Cassie hesitated, then slowly drew the smooth, heavy stone out. Still facing the ocean, Faye examined it. â€Å"A hematite crystal. That’s rare.† She held it up to the moonlight and chuckled. â€Å"Did Melanie ever tell you about some of hematite’s more- unusual properties? No? Well, even though it looks black, if you cut it into thin slices, they’re transparent and red. And the dust that comes off the stone turns the liquid that cools the cutting wheel as red as blood.† She gave the stone back to Cassie, who held it loosely, looking down at it. No matter where it came from, it was her crystal now. She’d known that from the moment she’d seen it. How could she give it up? â€Å"I found it here, by the foundation of the house,† she said dully. Faye’s eyebrows lifted. Then she collected herself. â€Å"Hm. Well-of course, anybody could have dropped it here in the past three hundred years.† A strange sense of excited relief filtered through Cassie. â€Å"Yes,† she said. â€Å"Of course. Anybody could have.† She put the crystal back in her pocket. Faye’s hooded golden eyes were gleaming at her, and Cassie felt herself nod. She didn’t have to give up the crystal after all. Adam was calling people back into a group. â€Å"Just one thing before everybody leaves,† he was saying. He seemed oblivious to the little drama that had been enacted between Cassie and Diana a few minutes earlier. â€Å"I have an idea,† he said, when the Club had gathered around again. â€Å"You know, I just realized that everything connected with the dark energy has led to death, to the dead. The cemetery; that ghost-shape Cassie and Deborah and Nick and I saw on the road; even this place-a ruined house built by a dead man. And-well, the weekend after next is Samhain.† There was a murmur from the group. Adam looked at Cassie and said, â€Å"You know, Halloween. All Saints’ Eve, November Eve, whatever. But no matter what you call it, it’s the night when the dead walk. And I know it might be dangerous, but I think we should do a ceremony, either here or at the cemetery, on Halloween. We’ll see what we can call up.† He turned to Diana. â€Å"What do you think?† This time the response was silence. Diana looked concerned, Melanie doubtful, Sean openly scared. Doug and Chris were grinning their wild grins, and Deborah was nodding fiercely. Faye had her head cocked to one side, considering; Nick stood with his arms across his chest, stone-faced. But it was Laurel and Suzan who spoke up. â€Å"But what about the dance?† Laurel said, and Suzan said, â€Å"Saturday night is the Halloween dance and I’ve already got my shoes.† â€Å"We always have a party on Halloween,† Melanie explained to Cassie. â€Å"It’s a big witch holiday. But this year Halloween falls on Saturday, and the school dance is the same night. Still,† she said slowly, â€Å"I don’t see why we couldn’t do both. We could leave the dance around eleven thirty and still have plenty of time for a ceremony here.† â€Å"And I think it should be here,† Diana said, â€Å"and not the graveyard. That’s just too dangerous, and we might call up more than we bargained for.† Cassie thought of the shadowy form she and Adam had seen at the graveyard. A bit too belligerently, she asked, â€Å"What are we planning to do with whatever we can call up?† â€Å"Talk to it,† Adam said promptly. â€Å"In the old days people called up the spirits of the dead on Halloween and asked them questions. The spirits had to answer.† â€Å"It’s the day when the veil between the worlds is the thinnest,† Laurel clarified. â€Å"Dead people come back and visit their living relatives.† She looked around the group. â€Å"I think we should do the ceremony.† There was agreement from the Circle, some of it hesitant, some enthusiastic. But everyone nodded. â€Å"Right,† Adam said. â€Å"Halloween night, then.† Cassie thought it was unusual that he was taking over the job of coven leader this way, but then she looked at Diana. Diana looked as if she were holding some turmoil inside her tightly under control. For a moment Cassie felt sorry for her, but then her own misery and conflict welled up. She left the meeting quickly, without speaking to Diana. In the weeks before Halloween, the real cold set in, although the leaves were still bronze and crimson. Cassie’s bedroom smelled of camphor because her grandmother had brought old quilts out of storage to pile on her bed. The last of the herbs had been gathered, and the house was decorated with autumn flowers, marigolds and purple asters. Every day after school Cassie found her grandmother in the kitchen, cooking oceans of applesauce to jar, until the whole house smelled of hot apple pulp and cinnamon and spices. Pumpkins mysteriously appeared on everybody’s back porch-but only Cassie and the Hendersons knew where they came from. Things didn’t get better with Diana. A guilty part inside Cassie knew why. She didn’t want to fight with Diana-but it was so much easier not having to worry about her all the time. If she wasn’t always talking to Diana, wasn’t over at Diana’s house every day, she didn’t have to think about how hurt Diana would be if Diana ever found out the truth. The shameful secrets inside Cassie didn’t rub her so much when Diana was at a distance. So when Diana tried to make up, Cassie was polite but a little cool. A little-detached. And when Diana asked why Cassie was still mad, Cassie said she wasn’t still mad, and why couldn’t Diana just leave things alone? After that, Diana did. Cassie felt as if a thin, hard shell were growing all over her. She thought about what Deborah had said about Nick. He gets in bad moods sometimes, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Of course, there was no way Cassie could go back and ask Nick again. At least, there was no way the old Cassie could have. There seemed to be a new Cassie now, a stronger, harder one-at least on the outside. And she had to do something, because every night she thought about Adam and ached, and she was afraid of what might happen if she went to that dance unattached. The day before Halloween she walked up to Nick’s garage again. The skeleton-car looked just the same. Its entire engine was out, resting on a sort of bottomless table made of pipes. Nick was underneath the table. Cassie knew better than to ask him what he was doing this time. She saw him see her feet, saw his gaze travel up. Then he scooted out from under the table and stood up. His dark hair was spiky with sweat, and he wiped his forehead with the back of a greasy hand. He didn’t say anything, just stood there looking at her. Cassie didn’t give herself time to think. Focusing all her attention on an oil stain on his T-shirt, she said rapidly, â€Å"Are you going to the Halloween dance tomorrow?† There was a long, long silence. Cassie stared at the oil stain while Nick stared at her face. She could smell rubber and warm metal as well as grease and a faint hint of gasoline. She felt as if she were hanging suspended in air. Then Nick said, â€Å"No.† Everything came crashing down. Cassie felt it, and for some reason she was suddenly able to look Nick in the face. â€Å"Oh,† she said flatly. Oh, stupid, stupid, she was thinking. The new Cassie was as dumb as the old one. She should never have come here. â€Å"I don’t see why you want to know in the first place,† Nick said. Then he added, â€Å"It’s got something to do with Conant, doesn’t it?† Cassie tensed. â€Å"Adam? What are you talking about? What could my asking you to a dance have to do with Adam?† she said, but she could feel the blood rise to her face. Nick was nodding. â€Å"I thought so. You’ve really got it bad. And you don’t want him to know, so you’re looking for a substitute, right? Or are you trying to make him jealous?† Cassie’s face was burning now, but hotter was the flame of rage and humiliation inside her. She wouldn’t cry in front of Nick, she ‘wouldn’t. â€Å"Sorry for bothering you,† she said, and, feeling stiff and sore, she turned around to walk away. â€Å"Wait a minute,† Nick said. Cassie went on walking and reached the golden October sunlight. Her eyes were fixed on the fading scarlet leaves of a red maple across the street. â€Å"Wait,† Nick said again, closer. He’d followed her out. â€Å"What time do you want me to pick you up?† he said. Cassie turned around and stared at him. God, he was handsome, but so cold†¦ even now he looked completely dispassionate, indifferent. The sun caught blue glints off his dark hair, and his face was like a perfectly carved ice sculpture. â€Å"I don’t want to go with you anymore,† Cassie told him bleakly, and started away again. He moved in front of her, blocking her without touching her. â€Å"I’m sorry I said the thing about trying to make Conant jealous. That was just†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He stopped and shrugged. â€Å"I didn’t mean it. I don’t know what’s going on, and it’s none of my business, anyway. But I’d like to go to the dance with you.† I’m hallucinating, Cassie thought. I’ve got to be. I thought I just heard Nick apologize†¦ and then say he’d like to go with me. I must have a fever. â€Å"So what time do you want me to pick you up?† Nick said again. Cassie was having trouble breathing, so her voice was faint. â€Å"Um, about eight would be fine. We’re all changing into our costumes at Suzan’s house.† â€Å"Okay. I’ll see you there.† On Halloween night, in Suzan’s Greek Revival house, the girls of Crowhaven Road prepared themselves. This night was different than the evening of the Homecoming dance. For one thing, Cassie knew what she was doing now. Suzan had taught her how to do her own makeup, in exchange for Cassie helping Suzan with her costume. They’d all taken baths with fresh sage leaves; Laurel’s orders, for enhancing their psychic powers. Cassie had also washed in milk of roses-rosewater and oil of sweet almonds-for softening her skin and to smell nice. Cassie’s grandmother had helped her plan and make her costume, which consisted mainly of panels of thin gauze. When she was finished that night, Cassie looked in Suzan’s mirror and saw a girl slender as a candle flame, dressed in something like mist, with an elusive, glancing beauty. The girl had hair like smoky topaz curling around a delicate face, and as Cassie watched, rosy shadows bloomed on her pale skin. She looked soft and touchable and sensuous, but that was all right, because she would be with Nick. Cassie dabbed perfume behind her ears-not magnet oil but simply attar of roses-and tossed her scented hair back. Well, there was a certain wistfulness in the girl’s wildflower-blue eyes, but that couldn’t be helped. Nothing was going to cure that, ever. She wasn’t wearing any crystal to allure, only the hematite for iron-strength in a pouch under her costume. â€Å"What are you?† Deborah said, looking into the mirror over her shoulder. â€Å"I’m a muse. It’s an old-time Greek thing; my grandmother showed it to me in a book. They weren’t goddesses, just sort of divine guides. They inspired people with creativity,† Cassie said. She looked at herself uncertainly. â€Å"I guess I’m Calliope; she was muse of poetry. The others were muses of history and stuff.† Melanie spoke up. â€Å"Witches believe that there was only one muse before they got split up into nine. She was the spirit of the arts, all of them. So maybe tonight you’re her.† Cassie turned to look at their costumes. Deborah was a rocker, all silver bangles, studs, and black leather. Melanie was Sophia, the biblical spirit of wisdom, with a sheer veil over her face and a wreath of silver stars in her hair. Suzan had taken Cassie’s suggestion and dressed up as Aphrodite, goddess of love. Cassie had gotten the idea from Diana’s prints and her grandmother’s book of Greek myths. â€Å"Aphrodite was supposed to be born from the sea,† she said now. â€Å"That’s the reason for all the shells.† Suzan’s hair was loose around her shoulders, and her robe was the color of sea foam. Iridescent sequins, seed pearls, and tiny shells decorated the mask she held in her hand. Laurel was a fairy. â€Å"A nature spirit,† she said, pivoting to show long, curving dragonfly wings. She was wearing a garland of leaves and silk flowers on her head. â€Å"Everyone looks great,† a soft voice said, and Cassie turned and caught her breath. Diana wasn’t even dressed up, or at least she was only wearing her ceremonial costume, the one she wore at Circles. But she appeared to be wreathed in her own light and she was beautiful beyond description. Laurel spoke quietly in Cassie’s ear. â€Å"She’s not making fun of it or anything, you know. Halloween’s our most magical holiday of the year. She’s honoring it.† â€Å"Oh,† Cassie murmured. Her eyes slid to Faye. Faye, she guessed, was a witch. The kind that guys were afraid of. She was wearing a sleeveless black dress, like a parody of the white shift Diana wore at meetings of the Circle. It was slit up both sides to the hip, and cut to show every curve. The material shimmered like silk when she walked. There are going to be some hearts broken at the dance tonight, Cassie thought. Downstairs, the doorbell rang, and the girls all went down in their fluttering draperies and rippling gowns to meet the guys. The Club was going to this dance in a group, as they planned to leave in a group at eleven thirty. Nick was Cassie’s date, but in that first moment all she could see was Adam. He was amazing. The branched ends of stag antlers sprouted from a crown of oak leaves on his head, and he was wearing a mask of oak leaves and acorns. â€Å"He’s Herne, the horned god,† Melanie said. â€Å"Sort of like Pan, you know, a nature god. He’s god of animals, too-that’s why he gets to take Raj with him.† Raj was there, trying to thrust his nose forward to give Cassie one of his embarrassingly warm greetings. Adam-or Herne; it unnerved Cassie how natural he looked with the horns and the oak leaves-held the dog back. The other girls were laughing at the guys’ costumes. â€Å"Sean,† Laurel said, â€Å"you’re skinny enough without showing all your bones.† He was dressed as a skeleton. Chris and Doug had strange symbols painted on their faces: black and red triangles, yellow lightning bolts. Their long hair was even more disheveled than usual. â€Å"We’re Zax,† they said, and everyone said, â€Å"Who?† Chris answered: â€Å"Zax the magician. He pulls cigarettes out of the air.† â€Å"It’s from some science-fiction show they saw once,† Suzan explained finally. Faye’s slow, lazy voice broke in. â€Å"And just what are you supposed to be, Nick? The Man in Black?† Cassie looked at Nick for the first time. He wasn’t wearing a costume, just black jeans and a black pullover sweater. He looked very handsome, very cool. â€Å"I’m supposed to be her date,† he said calmly, and without another look at Faye he held out his hand to Cassie. Faye can’t mind, Cassie told herself as they walked to the line of cars outside. Faye doesn’t want him anymore; she shouldn’t care who he goes with. But there was a thin coil of uneasiness in her stomach as she let Nick guide her to the Armstrong car. Deborah and Laurel got in the back. On the porches around them, jack-o’-lanterns had fiery grins and dancing flames for eyes. It was a crystal moonlit night. â€Å"A haunted night,† Laurel said from the backseat. â€Å"Tonight spirits gather at all the windows and doors, looking in. We always put a white candle in the window to guide them.† â€Å"Or a plate of food to feed them, so they don’t try to come inside,† Deborah said in a hollow voice. Cassie laughed, but there was a slightly false note in the laughter. She didn’t want spirits looking in her windows. And as for what Laurel had said two weeks ago, about dead relatives coming back to visit the living-well, Cassie didn’t want that, either. She didn’t know any of her dead relatives, except her father, and he probably wasn’t really dead. No, on the whole, she’d rather just leave all dead people alone. But the Circle was planning to do just the opposite tonight. The gym was decorated with owls, bats, and witches flying across giant yellow moons. Black and orange crepe paper was wound around the girders and streamed from the basketball hoops. There were dancing skeletons, spitting cats with arched backs, and surprised-looking ghosts on the walls. It was all so fun and harmless. The ordinary students who’d come to dance and masquerade and drink purple poison punch had no idea of the real darkness that lurked outside. Even the ones who hated the Club didn’t know the full truth. Diana and Adam arrived together, making what must have been the most impressive entrance New Salem High School had ever seen. Diana, in her simple white shift, with her bare throat and arms looking as fresh as baby’s skin, and her aureole of shining hair falling down her back, looked like a shaft of moonlight that had somehow wandered accidentally into the gym. And Adam-Adam always had a presence, a way of innately commanding respect from anyone smart enough really to look at him. Tonight, as Herne, he was more arresting than ever. He seemed to be the forest god, perilous and mischievous, awe-inspiring but not unkind. Above all, he looked wild. There was nothing domesticated about him; he belonged in the open spaces, running underneath the stars. Raj stayed beside him, looking more like a wolf than a dog, and none of the chaperons said a word of objection. â€Å"You know what happens tonight,† a voice murmured, breath warm on Cassie’s neck. Cassie said, â€Å"What, Faye?† without turning around. â€Å"Well, the coven leaders who represent the goddess Diana and the horned god have to make an alliance. They have to†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Faye paused delicately. â€Å". . . merge, shall we say? To represent the union of male and female principals.† â€Å"You mean they†¦ ?† â€Å"It can be done symbolically,† Faye said blandly. â€Å"But somehow I don’t think Adam and Diana will be satisfied with symbolism, do you?† How to cite The Secret Circle: The Captive Chapter Eleven, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Shoe-Horn Sonata free essay sample

Even with all this banter they still remain close friends after what they had been through together. The main theme from this scene is Friendship. â€Å"We were patriotic. We didn’t want to leave. I remember mother saying, ‘Sheila, you and I are English women. We do not run away from a few Orientals†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Sheila tells Rick how her mother wasn’t scared and wanted to stay in Singapore. The English were too patriotic and did not think the Japanese were capable of a surprise attack. This quote is followed by â€Å"But you did in the end† Rick saying that Sheila’s mother was wrong. Sheila solemnly answers with â€Å"we had no choice†. This shows the audience that they were driven out of Singapore, literally. The slides projected onto the screen are pictures of children with toys boarding ships with women, soon to be victims of possibly the history’s worst, and least known massacre. We will write a custom essay sample on The Shoe-Horn Sonata or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Japanese didn’t abide by the Geneva Convention, they were ruthless. â€Å"We lay flat on the deck and covered our eyes. But our sailors were yelling – ‘Get up! Stand up! Let the Japanese see you’re just women and children. † Sheila explains to Rick that a spotlight was focused on her ship. They all stood up and they heard the sound of crackers, the Japanese were firing at the ship of women and children. â€Å"Then sailors were yelling ‘Jump for it! Jump for it! † â€Å"And then there was this deafening noise. The whole ship rose from the water and crashed on its side. It lay there like a wounded animal spilling oil, instead of blood† Sheila calmly recounts the events that happened that day to Rick. She describes in detail of the horror that happened. This cuts to a voice, young Sheila, whimpering a few lines from the hymn ‘Jerusalem’. The sound of young Sheila’s voice fills the room and this is meant to really connect with the audience and make them feel as if they were really there. Bridie speaks up as if she is trying to steal the spotlight off Sheila by saying â€Å"My ship sunk as well. Some Japanese Zeros found us. They dropped twenty-eight bombs on the Vyner Brooke. And twenty-seven missed. The one that got us went clean down the funnel and blew the ship from beneath our feat†. Everybody was surprisingly calm, from sheer disbelief. Once Bridie was in the water she drifted off to sleep before was awoken by Sheila. This is where the two started their friendship. Sheila says to Bridie â€Å"Weathers turned a bit chilly for this time of year† making light of the situation. Bridie was aware of the need to keep Sheila awake and, apart from discussing the merits of Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby, she resorted to tapping her with the shoe-horn her father had given her. â€Å"Before I could stop her, she was yelling out and waving, ‘yoo-hoo chaps, I say, yoo-hoo! ’. But by then I could see the ships flag†. A Japanese flag appears on stage behind the women, a blood-red rising sun. As Bridie tells Rick of how the Japanese just laughed at the girls, bobbing around covered in oil, Sheila instinctively reaches out for Bridie’s hand. Once again the girls look very vulnerable. Then Japanese voices are played over the soundtrack. This strikes the audience and shows how the two innocent girls were terrified that a ship of Japanese soldiers were about to make them prisoners of war. â€Å"I wanted to cry. But I reminded myself I was a woman of the Empire. And it just wasn’t done to show fear to the natives. I could almost hear my mother saying: ‘Chin up, gel! And where are your gloves? † Sheila’s patriotic English attitude was helping her stay strong while her and Bridie were taken. Gradual darkness takes over the stage and the final chorus of ‘Jerusalem’ is played over the sound system. This symbolises hope for the two young girls. The themes shown throughout this scene of friendship, hope, survival all link to the play as a whole. This scene shows the courage of the two girls and that they really had no idea what was to come in the next few years. Although despite all this, the girls friendship is strong enough to make it through the war.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Downfall Of Macbeth Essays (1712 words) - Characters In Macbeth

The Downfall Of Macbeth Throughout the centuries human beings have always had the need to achieve some things in life such as love, wealth, power or authority. The ambition of Macbeth was power. Macbeths' strive for power affects his life in a negative way and eventually leads to his downfall. Macbeth was a brave soldier of Scotland and was very loyal to King Duncan. As he returned from a battle with his friend Banquo three witches hailed him as Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor and in the end King of Scotland. They also told Banquo that his children would become Kings. This aroused Macbeth's curiosity of how he could become King. When he went to the palace and the King announced to him that he would become Thane of Cawdor because the previous Thane was a traitor. His ambition rised and he believed that some truth might be hidden in the weird sisters' words. Therefore, he wrote a letter to his wife Lady Macbeth telling her what had happened. When Lady Macbeth read the letter her intention was to talk Macbeth into killing Duncan. Therefore, she planed the murder. She invited the King to their house where she planned to have him killed. Macbeth had some hesitations but she manipulated him into doing it. The murder took place at nighttime and short after the murder Macbeth fel t empowered and thought that nothing could stop him. Duncan's sons Malcom and Donalbain fled the country and one went to England and the other to Ireland. Macbeth asked for the witches advice and they told him that no woman born man could kill him and that only when Birnam Wood came up to the castle would he lose his power. In order to maintain his power Macbeth hired three murderers to kill Banquo and his son Fleance but they only managed to kill Banquo whereas Fleance escaped. Macbeth also killed Macduffs wife and son because according to him Macduff was a traitor. In the meantime, Malcom and Macduff were gathering an army in order to overthrow Macbeth. After the witches words Macbeth felt invincible whereas Lady Macbeth died, probably of guilt. In the end of the play, the army disguised itself with branches from the Birnam wood and marched to the castle where Macduff, who was ripped from his mother's womb, killed Macbeth and Malcom became King. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is regarded as a good man and a brave soldier. When he comes back from the battle, the Captain described Macbeth's honor and bravery to King Duncan in Act I, scene 2. For brave Macbeth-well he deserves that name-Disdaining fortune, with his brandish'd steel, Which smoked with bloody execution, Like valour's minion carved out his passage Till he faced the slave, Which ne'er shook hands nor bade farewell to him Till he unseamed him from the nave to th' chops, And fixed his head upon our battlements?(Act 1, scene 2, line16-23). This shows that people, including the King trusted Macbeth and considered him as a brave, just, and honest soldier who loved his country. However, his character changes throughout the play in a negative way. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth appears to be happy and content as Thane of Glamis until he hears the witches prophesies. His ambition is reinforced when he is made Thane of Cawdor and he starts considering murdering King Duncan. He immediately writes to his wife in order to consult her. When Lady Macbeth reads the letter, we can understand that she considers Macbeth as too kind and soft to murder the King. As she says: ? Yet do I fear thy nature; It is too full o' the milk of human kindness To catch the nearest way.'(Act 1, Scene 5, line 13-15) This shows that in the beginning Macbeth was considered as to soft to commit this kind of crime. So, she talks him into her plan and they invite Duncan over for a banquet. Still, Macbeth has some reservations about the murder. As he says to his wife: ?He is here in double trust: First, as I am his kinsman and his subject, strong both against the deed; then, as his host, Who should

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Ryanair Economic Analysis Essays

Ryanair Economic Analysis Essays Ryanair Economic Analysis Paper Ryanair Economic Analysis Paper Data for passengers on route to London Source: CA airline/airport statistics The numbers of passengers traveling by LLC airlines are also increasing ever since its entrants as shown in the statistics below: Total annual alarm passenger movements In 1 Source: Commission for Integrated Transport The LLC market is an oligopoly market as there are 3 major airlines which dominate approximately 70% of the market. The products are homogeneous, which is low cost IR travel though there are slight differentiation in terms of customer service, travel destinations and flexibility of travel times. The firms within the market engage in price wars where they cut prices to grab a larger market share. The firms maintain their customers loyalty by offering the low air fares and brand themselves through advertising. Some customers may stick to an airline provider for some reasons such as convenience, flexibility and brand loyalty. Therefore, when another firm sells at a higher price, it doesnt mean that the customer will switch airlines. However, it also isnt mean that the customers wont switch because are no restrictions or switching costs involved. A factor which may cause customers to switch is when the price difference is too high to tolerate. In this market there is a significant barrier to entry because of the high set up cost. It is also difficult to penetrate the market because of the 3 major firms which accounts for a huge market share. The LLC market also shows some characteristics of monopolistic competition because of there are many other LLC airlines. There are also no legal barriers to entry because there are legal restrictions to enter the market. Moreover, the governments show that they want to encourage competition in this industry when the Irish government rejected a takeover of Are Lingua by Ryan in 2009 (Reuters). Conduct Ryan conducts its business by cutting costs and lowering air fare prices. The company cuts cost through many ways such as using secondary airports, reducing the weight of their airplanes, reducing staff costs, removing bookings through travel agents and removing in-flight meals. The company commits to the basic service to their customer which is flying them from one place to another without delays. Any ore than that, the customers will be charged. Ryan charges the customers for various things such as in-flight meals, payment handling fees, wheelchair usage and online check-in (BBC 2009). The company also charges their staffs for training and interview sessions to reduce staff costs (Creator 2005). Since Ryan aims to provide the lowest air fare prices, they maximize airplanes capacity by removing business class and first class space. There are no pricing agreements arranged between other LLC operators, therefore, the prices of tickets varies. Non-price competition also exists in the LLC market. Ryan commits to provide customer service and flight punctuality. Performance The revenue of Ryan has been increasing from financial year 2000 to 2009. Although the revenue has been increasing, the company made a net loss of ?169 million in the financial year 2009. This was due to an increase in oil prices and has increased the operating expenses. The fuel bill rose by 59% as compared to the Atlanta year 2 Source: Orbits 200,000 E-Resource for Company Information Besides that, the number of passengers carried has also increased since financial year 2001 as shown in the graph below.

Friday, November 22, 2019

7 Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job (Even If You Arent Qualified)

7 Strategies for Landing Your Dream Job (Even If You Arent Qualified) â€Å"Do what you love.† This is pretty common career advice, and you’ve probably heard it before. There’s just one catch- how do you get to that dream job, the job you really want? Especially if you don’t really have the experience or qualifications you need? All is not lost. Assuming you don’t want to jump from, say, retail clerk to astronaut, there are ways to help boost yourself up into your dream job. 1. Know What You WantIf you don’t have a goal in mind, it’ll be awfully difficult to set your path to get there. Before you start combing job listings or working on your resume, it’s important to know what your goal is here. This is especially true if your dream job is a bit of a stretch, professionally. Winging it won’t get you ahead here.If you’re having trouble deciding what that dream job can be, there are fun tools like this interactive dream job quiz that can help you speed up the thought process by taking your interests and offering real-world odds of getting a related job. (Sadly, it turns out my odds of becoming a TV-watching spy aren’t super high.)If you’re still not sure about how to juggle what you want to do versus what you’re qualified to do, career coach Laura Berman Fortgang has some great advice about how to cut through the noise and figure out what you want to get from your career:2. Know Your ValueExperience is a great attribute to have in your job hunt, but it’s not the only one. You also need to look at the quality of that experience: the skills and knowledge you have accumulated over time. Whether you’ve been working for 1  year or 15  years, you have steadily built your skills and your professional value. When you’re crafting your resume, think about using a format that showcases your skills, instead of using the traditional chronological format where you list your jobs, working backwards.3. See the Job Requirements as Gui delines, Not Set in StoneIf you think of the job description requirements as more of a starting point than an ironclad list of requirements, it can help remove some of that mental block to applying to a job that may be a reach. While some things may be non-negotiable (such as particular skills), other things may be more flexible if you have equivalent skills or experience. For example, if a job description calls for a Bachelor’s degree but you have an Associate’s and a number of skills related to the job, don’t let that scare you off. Just make sure you emphasize the qualities and skills that you do have to support the job description.4. Set Your StoryEveryone loves a good story- and hiring managers like a story that shows how great a person would be for this particular job. Your resume is the snapshot of your skills and professional experience, but your work doesn’t end there. You need to help set the narrative. Are you the savvy underdog looking to trad e up your skills for experience? Are you a bold career-changer looking to translate your skills and experience to a new industry? Your resume doesn’t tell a reader everything about you- just the highlights. This is why a cover letter can be essential, even in these days of automated submissions. Not only is it a chance to add more key words (more on that in a bit), but it lets you add some color and context about who you are, and summarize why you’re such a great fit for this position.If you don’t have tons of experience, it’s also a way to start the conversation about how your skills bridge a potential experience gap. Give the reader a reason to keep reading, instead of flipping ahead to the next resume. Work on your elevator pitch, which is a quick, succinct headline that answers three questions: who you are, what you do, and what you’re looking for. That’s the line you can hit in your cover letter, in a summary statement/objective on your resume, and again in the interview. This is your chance to set up your brand.5. Outsmart the Resume RobotsThese days, there’s a good chance that the first reader of your resume/application package isn’t even human. No offense to the robots out there, but this is not ideal if you’re trying to punch above your weight class, professionally. The smartest thing you can do here is know exactly what the company is looking for- and you have the job description right in front of you to help you do that. Make sure your resume and cover letter are hitting the key words that jump out of the job description- especially the ones related to experience, education, and skills. This is also where careful proofreading of your resume comes in handy; you want to make sure that your high-priority key words are spelled correctly, and match the way they’re presented in the job description. You don’t want to lie, but if you’re trying to get somewhat creative with y our qualifications, hitting as many of the key points from the job description as possible may get you past the first round, and one step closer to an interview where you can wow them with the skills you do have.6. Network Like CrazyYour network isn’t just a nice little collection of Twitter handles or LinkedIn headshots. These are people whose experience and professional kinship can help boost you from faceless applicant to contender. According to LinkedIn, a whopping 85% (!) of jobs are filled by network referrals. Why is this? Filling open jobs is time-consuming and expensive, and companies like to feel good about the choice and investment they’re making.Having someone else vouch for an applicant can help make that process easier, and push the applicant higher on the list than they might have made it if they just went through the usual process of 1) find job; 2) apply online; 3) wait for HR rep to call. Having someone talk up your skills and fitness for the job is i mmensely helpful. And you never know when an opening or an opportunity may pop up from your old boss, or that guy who sat next to you in Accounting class. Keeping these relationships fresh, and making an effort to attend industry events or networking events is definitely worth your time.7. Package Yourself CarefullyYou already know you need a resume, but that’s merely the first step. If it’s been a while since you redid your resume from scratch, guess what? Now’s the time to burn that sucker to the ground (not literally- no fire hazards, please) and create a new one for the opportunities you want:What Your Resume Should Look Like in 2017Here’s the Number One Resume Mistake You’re MakingWhat’s the Best Format for Your Resume?Your 5-Question Resume ChecklistAnd as always, it’s important to make sure you’re tailoring your resume to match the job you want. Customizing your resume doesn’t take long, and it can mean the differ ence between Joe, the Generic Okay Job Applicant and Joe, the Impressive Interview Candidate Who Would Fit in At Rodeo Clown Inc.But don’t neglect the other pieces here- the cover letter can be an essential part of your applicant package, especially when you’re trying to level up:Important Cover Letter Trends in 2017 That Will Help Your Job Search5 Must Haves for an Effective Cover Letter4 Steps to Writing a Kick-Ass Cover LetterAnd don’t skimp on interview prep, so that you’re ready when the call comes. Make sure your interview outfit and lucky shoes are ready to go, and get yourself in interview fighting shape:7 Real Life Interview Mistakes You Can Learn FromThe Most Important Talking Points for Your Upcoming Interview12 Easy Steps to a Successful Job InterviewIt also can’t hurt to brush up on what not to do. A few cautionary tales can help your interview game when the time comes:5 Reasons You Just Had a Really Bad Interview10 Personal Things Not to Say in an InterviewAfter all, this is your dream job, and you don’t want to feel like you’re scrambling to cover weaknesses or a lack of experience. The more you practice and work on your total package, the smoother you’ll look when you’re finally presenting yourself as the ideal applicant.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


CONTRACTING WITH THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT - Research Paper Example The root beginning of the hybrid contracts was when it was realized that purely generic contracts had their major downsides that led to their inefficiencies. For example the fixed price cost started being too costly owing to the number of uncertainties in the contracts. The birth of hybrid type of contracts was seen when the fixed price contracts were introduced some adjustments. This started with the economic price adjustment where the prices would be varied based on a number of certain contingencies such as the cost of labor. This thus did include some hybridism in the contracts. One of the root causes of the hybrid contract is the dynamic nature of the present day contracts. Most of the current day contracts are not as rigid as the previous days’ contracts. The result, therefore was the need to improve on the various contracts that existed. One of the main advantages is that with hybrid contracts, one is able to enjoy the various advantages gain from different mother type of contract. For example, with the fixed cost, the cost was predetermined in advance even before the contract starts. This means that the contractor takes all the risks associated with the contract. However, when the variable aspect is introduced to the contract, the contractor is shielded of some of those risks. The other advantage of hybrid contracts is with the flexibility associated with the contracts themselves. Most of the hybrid contacts unlike the other specific contracts that are strictly enforced by the law, there is room for flexibility with the hybrid contracts. This flexibility with the hybrid contacts gives it a unique edge over the other static types of contracts where specific specifications must be followed to the letter. Through hybrid contracting, especially with specific governmental contracts also increase the chances of winning a bid. Kate M. Manue l(2010)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Knowledge of Intro to Technologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Knowledge of Intro to Technologies - Essay Example In the present scenario, one unique characteristic of the proposed technology would be on the need to meet the different technology needs of different employees of the company. Interestingly, though the work of each of the employees come together to ensure the successful running of the entire company, each employee’s works is so different that thinking of a different IT solution to each employee is the best way out in ensuring that the technology needs of the company are met as far as emerging technology is concerned. Proposal of Technology Needs Employee Hardware requirement Software requirements Connectivity requirements Subtotal General Remarks Reviewer Laptop, tablet PC, digital camera Windows, office Wireless card, USB modem AUD$2,000 Reviewer needs digital camera and tablet PC to make accessibility to taking of motion and still images easier. It should also be possible to capture audio recordings with these hardware. USB modem will also be appropriate for the laptop whil es the wireless card will be suitable for the tablet PC. Editor Desktop, smart phone, laptop Windows, Photoshop Wireless card, USB modem AUD$2,000 The editor will need a desktop PC in other make large scale editing of still and motion images possible at the company premises. The smart phone will make on the go access to information possible. The Photoshop software is needed for editing pictures and videos. Website designer Desktop, laptop Windows, Photoshop Wireless card, USB modem AUD$2,000 The website designer also needs Photoshop because he will be doing a lot of editing of images. The presence of desktop remains useful to the website designer because he would need to test how well the designed website would perform on different platforms including a desktop PC. Business owner Smart phone, tablet PC, laptop Windows, Wireless card, 3G, USB modem AUD$2,000 A smart phone is specifically mentioned because the business owner would need to make a lot of calls to business clients. He al so needs tablet PC to access mails and the internet as often as possible. Meeting/Conference Room Laptop, large screen monitor, projectors Windows, office Wireless card, USB modem AUD$1,500 The meeting or conference premises ought to have access to sophisticated LCD screen of larger inches to make presentation of meetings possible. There also need to be laptops to make the networking of information possible while meeting proceeds Networking, Printing and File sharing Desktop, laptop, printer, routers, Ethernet hub Windows, office Wireless card, USB modem, LAN Hub AUD$1,500 This is the component that needs larger amount of networking systems. It is for this reason that both wireless and LAN network systems are recommended. Overview of the network setup Considering the various technological demands of the various employees, the most prescribed network connection type to use is the wireless broadband connection. With this internet connection, it should be possible for all employees to access the internet without the need to have any wire aided connections in place. The advantage that this phenomenon will have over other forms of wire connections is that there will be an on-the-go access to the internet as far as a Wi-Fi device is available.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Ciulla Essay Example for Free

Ciulla Essay The first attempt for the new chief executive officer of Stratton Oil Company is to address some of the issues and complaints received for different difficulties with Stratton’s offshore oil drilling rigs. On his first excursion, he visited a rig off the coast of Africa, dubbed the Voyager 7, and what he discovered is the oil rig is really a small society, separate and distinct from the rest of the world. There are many facts for us to apply in this specific case, there is a very unfair treat between the two different employees in the Voyager 7, the first group are expatriates and the second group are African workers. The condition of living for both groups totally different. The expatriates are treated with many advantages in difference with the African workers. We can make different questions in this case, how an international organization is obligated to treat employees from different countries, what kind of policies are applicable to this case. I would like to say that there is nothing more important than treating everyone equally, this class of Ethical Consideration, is focus on teach us about ethic and moral principles that are applied at any place or organization. Human being is loosing the values, but we have to be ruled by the Word of God and there are principles to use to work according the mercy and love for others, Jesus called us for the sake of others, this is our first mission and I have to consider that we can work at any place in the market but I can’t forget that first I am a Christian and I have to do everything for the sake of others. This is the only way we can transform a society and transform what is around us.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Julius Caesar :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In Julius Caesar Brutus displays the traits of a tragic hero through out this play but being a good person but makes an error in judgment, and when this error occurred it causes his own downfall. First off is that Brutus makes an error in judgment by joining the conspiracy to over throw Caesar. But the only reason that Brutus had joined was because his tragic flaw was honor; he lived his life on the guidelines of honor and loyalty. Now lastly Brutus had caused his very own downfall when after killing Caesar all of Rome has now turned against the conspirators. Those are some of the reasons that display Brutus is a tragic hero.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Brutus had joined the conspiracy for honor and for the good of Rome. Yet by joining this group his honor is really being put to the test because when he joined the conspiracy he pledged to take part in the murder of Julius Caesar. Brutus and Caesar are best friends, so now how is it honorable to kill one of your friends? But Brutus and the other conspirators had claimed that Caesar was just about to claim himself the king of Rome. When one has claimed themselves the king of Rome the people of Rome have the right to kill that person. So by saying this when the conspirators knew that Caesar was about to claim the thrown they strike and kill him. But another one of Brutus’ traits has now appeared, loyalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Loyalty and honor are the only tragic flaws that Brutus has but these are the reason that he has killed Caesar. Brutus had said that he had killed Caesar for the good of Rome and that his ancestors would have wanted this. Which is true that his ancestors had said that if any man were to claim themselves the king of Rome to kill them, but Caesar had never claimed himself king. The conspirators had only assumed that. So in reality by killing Caesar it wasn’t displaying loyalty and honor it was really showing stupidity. But Brutus’ tragic flaws are the real reason of his own downfall, as well as Rome’s.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Unfortunately Rome’s downfall was because Brutus had caused his own downfall. It first started when the conspirators killed Caesar, but what had made the situation worse was allowing Antony to speak at Caesar’s funeral. After the funeral the locals of Rome was so moved by Antony’s speech that they were in a blind fury and had to kill any conspirator that they had found, which ended up in the death of Cinna the poet.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kinds of influences that affect children and young persons’ development including

(a)Personal factors (health), (2.1) (b)External factors (environment), (2.2)Answer:(a)Personal factors that influence/affect children and young person’s development (health)†¢Disabilities such as blindness, deafness, and other physical handicaps can cause learning loss as the child therefore is physically hindered and as we know all areas of development are interlinked, so the others will be affected causing delays and often full capability.†¢Illnesses; especially life threatening or disabling such as Polio or Cancer causes delays in all round development as these can affect muscle development; both major and fine motor, and often never fully develop due to the damaging effects of these diseases to their body. Also, long terms in Hospital or confinement in bed, frailty of body etc. prevent them from physical exertion such as running, skipping, etc. Long absences from school, family, as well as limited interaction socially and physically with other children their age, can in many cases also affect their other areas of development; such as their social, physical, cognitive/intellectual development.†¢Learning difficulties; ADHD, ADD, Autism, Down’s syndrome etc. all affect a child and young person’s ability to develop cognitively, therefore it inhibits the general pattern of development. For example, one of the symptoms of ADHD is low muscle tone which is due to abnormal chemical balances in the brain; â€Å"ADHD is caused by differences in neurotransmitter patterns in certain parts of the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that make it possible for nerve impulses to travel from one nerve cell to another, and therefore play an essential role in the functioning of the  brain.The brain performs a vast range of tasks or functions, allowing us, for instance, to see, hear, think, speak and move. Each function is performed by a different part of the brain. In individuals with ADHD there are lower than normal levels of certain n eurotransmitters (especially dopamine) in the regions of the brain that are responsible for regulating behaviour and attention. Research also confirms that the Norepinephrine system is also involved in some patients.†Further Resources: (http://www.health24.com/Parenting/Child/First-year/Attention-Deficit-Hyperactivity-Disorder-20120721)â€Å"Chemical imbalance: Children who have ADD may not make enough chemicals in key areas of the brain that are responsible for organizing thought.Experts believe an imbalance of the chemicals that helps nerve cells in the brain communicate with each other, called neurotransmitters, may be a factor in the development of ADD symptoms. Without enough of these chemicals, the organizing centers of the brain don't work well.†http://www.nativeremedies.com/ailment/child-add-symptoms-info.htmlExternal factors (environment), (2.2)†¢Family Environment or care status is a very important factor in a child/young person’s development; who cares for the child? Is it a ‘regular’ two parent family, a one parent family or a split family, with two sets of parents, or a large extended family living together in one home? These can all have differing; some positive and other situations often can have adverse affects.Is the care regular and consistent or is it irregular and so disruptive for the developing child? Culturally families differ and the child might not have their parents caring for them but instead elderly Grandparents and this can have an adverse affect on a child who is growing up in a nation that usually has western ideals in parenting; the Father and Mother are usually the direct caregivers.†¢Poverty is usually a negative factor in a child’s development and their environment as a whole. They usually live in small homes in unsafe areas, with high crime statistics, noise putting the child in constant threat of harm and a lack of a sense of peace and safety. Food is usually not as ample or nutritious as it is in a home with a better income, often the only income being benefits or maybe one salary from a single parent. Their health may be neglected due to lack of monies for good health care, especially in nations where it is not government sponsored.Children and young people, as a result of poverty, may be subjected to care givers or parents who may be substance abusers due to depression often due to having a poor income or lack thereof because of unemployment. This may result in neglect, abuse or in some cases even desertion. This then leads to the child being placed under the custody of other caregivers and often the state, so disrupting the child’s life. This often results in a lack of a sense of belonging and self worth in the child and can be carried with them into young adulthood.This can all add stress to a child and they may develop anger and feelings of resentment towards themselves, their family/care givers and society as a whole. As teenagers these c hildren can develop severe depression and this can lead to high mortality rates and low life expectancy in many impoverished communities.†¢Education is an important factor in all round development, and whether the parent/care giver is able to spend time with the child, send them to early development classes such as nursery schools or Moms and Toddler workshops etc., where various methods of teaching and activities are centered around the expected pattern of development. Some parents prefer to Home School their children and this may hinder the child’s social, and often physical and cognitive development due to lack of interaction with other children their own age, as well as learning resources.Some children may be affected by being placed in school too early and therefore may appear to be behind in their learning and development. This may lead to the child struggling to keep up with their peers. Gender affects learning too as girls usually develop at a faster rate all rou nd, maturing earlier than boys.Siblings and other children can stimulate development as the child studies have shown that children usually learn through and imitate other children around them, and this can install a healthy sense of competitiveness. A hindrance may be cultural differences in education as well as language. If a child is learning in another language this may have an adverse affect on their learning and understanding. This can further influence their cognitive and social development as they are unable to think and communicate easily in an unfamiliar language, and this can cause embarrassment and frustration.All areas of development are interlinked and so when one is negatively affected so the rest are usually inhibited, therefore affecting the expected pattern and rate of development in a child and young person.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Nice Guy

Case Analysis: The Nice Guy Introduction This case study begins with Paul Kennedy on a slow morning commute in Cleveland. During his drive, he’s worried about his wife and family, his boss, his associate, a stranger in a nearby vehicle, and even about the state of the Cleveland Browns. He is also excited about his plans to expand Daner Associates into the European market and his impending promotion to CEO. But when Paul meets with his boss, Larry, that afternoon, he discovers that he has been misreading signals. Larry is actually considering Paul for the number two role in the company and considering promoting another Daner executive, George, into the CEO position. Background Paul has been with Daner Associates for ten years. He believes that he is being groomed for to take over the CEO position when Larry retires. Thus, Paul is understandably shocked when he discovers that Larry thinks of him as the number two guy, and is considering promoting George to CEO instead. Paul thinks that George lacks the polish and experience to be effective in the CEO position. Problem Statement Paul needs to demonstrate to Larry that he has what it takes to be the next CEO: A strong leader with effective communication, people relationship and management skills. Analysis and Issues Paul does not have to become a complete jerk, like George, to get the CEO position. He does, however, need to do a thorough self-assessment to identify his strengths and weaknesses, chose a path that is in his own best interest, then clearly and consistently state his personal and managerial views. Paul has clear advantages over his rival, George, in terms of experience and length of time with the company. His employees like him and trust him to lead them. He possesses most of the elements of an effective CEO, but Larry thinks that Paul is too nice to be effective as CEO. Paul needs to exploit the advantages he has and stop letting his niceness get in the way of his own business success. If Paul wants the top job, he needs to prove that he can be effective in managing his relationships with others, including his relationship with Larry, where he has allowed communications to break down to where he and Larry were on completely different wavelengths on his promotion to CEO. In his interactions with Larry, it seems that Paul has been hearing only what he wants to hear. Paul has apparently misread Larry’s intentions, resulting in misaligned expectations. Paul and Larry have very different leadership styles and attitudes on people management. This disparity in their styles is a core part of their communications issues. Paul’s self-referent criteria have prevented him from effectively listening to what Larry has been telling him about his leadership skills and potential to be promoted to CEO. It seems that George has an advantage over Paul in being able to relate easily to Larry. Larry and George have a similar philosophy on people management, which gives George an advantage on effective communications with Larry. Larry immediately empathizes with George’s perspective, because it is similar to his own. This puts the onus on Paul to get outside of his own frame of reference to examine himself from Larry’s perspective. The nice-guy disorder is having a negative effect on Paul’s ability to make choices. His decision-making ability is impaired when he gives away his power to others, including George and Larry, denying his own goals and desires. When he feels strongly about an issue, as he does in the case of breaking into the biotech industry, he needs to build his case, avoid the analysis paralysis that comes with over-analyzing the data, and present his case with confidence and the good judgment that has come with ten years of experience. It is that type of conviction in his ideas and opinions that will earn respect from both Larry and George. Paul prefers to hold back his opinions rather than speaking his mind in many situations to avoid confrontations. Overly nice guys, like Paul, tend to avoid situations where they disagree with someone or need to confront someone about poor job performance. Paul chooses to remain silent on issues in order to avoid judgment or spare the feelings of others. Paul allows his concern for others to lead him to prioritize their needs over his own work responsibilities and career. He also has a tendency to look the other way when managerial issues arise, as they have with his associate, Lisa. Because he wants to be a nice guy, and he feels bad about Lisa’s personal situation, Paul has been excessively lenient with her and continues to avoid confronting her about the decline in her work performance. Speaking his mind consistently and effectively will be one of the most challenging skills Paul will have to master. Recommendations In order to be an effective leader and CEO, Paul needs to become much more self-aware. Like many â€Å"nice guys,† Paul does not have a high level of self-awareness, which thwarts his ability to reach higher levels of effectiveness. He must become aware of how his choices are holding him back. He needs to develop an honest self-awareness that will enable him to deal constructively with his weaknesses and fully benefit from his strengths. Since Larry has been Paul’s boss for ten years, he probably knows Paul’s strengths and weaknesses better than Paul knows himself. Paul needs to muster up the confidence to ask Larry for his constructive criticism. In this way, Paul will tap into Larry’s insight to help identify and minimize his weaknesses and identify and employ his strengths in order to maximize his effectiveness as a leader. Paul needs to drop his defensive attitude in order to hear and really listen to Larry’s advice, understand it as he never has before, and then take immediate action on that on that advice. Paul needs to start thinking of confrontation as an effective communication tool that will enable him to solve problems as quickly as possible. He must realize that his leniency with Lisa has reached a point where it compromises his ability to deliver on his business commitments. His reticence to speak frankly with her to resolve the work issues is ultimately harming both of them. Paul needs to address the issues in an honest and open conversation with Lisa; otherwise her work may continue to suffer, leaving him with only unpleasant options for dealing with it. Conclusion/Summary Paul has become overly focused on trying to be helpful and nice to others, resulting in an imbalance that has diminished his effectiveness as a leader. When Larry told him that he was not the first choice for CEO, presenting Paul with the evidence that things were not going as he thought, Paul continued to look externally to blame George for the misunderstanding. Paul needs to take a good, hard look inward to grasp an understanding of the connection between his nice-guy behavior and its negative consequences, and then accept that he must alter those behaviors in order to achieve his business success targets. As he becomes aware of his shortcomings, he will be able to find ways to eliminate them through training, mentoring, and by surrounding himself with people who have complementary skills. While identifying and minimizing his weaknesses through self discovery, Paul also needs to identify and emphasize his strengths. He cannot allow his nice-guy, self-sacrificing tendencies to lead him down the path to a job that is not in alignment with his talents and goals. Essentially, Paul needs to find a balance between his natural tendency toward niceness and an appropriate level of assertiveness. References Edelman, R. C. , Hiltabiddle, T. R. , & Manz, C. C. (2008). Nice Guys Can Get the Corner Office: Eight Strategies for Winning in Business Without Being a JERK. New York, NY: Penguin Group (USA) Inc.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

How To Make A Telemarketing Complaint

How To Make A Telemarketing Complaint    The Federal Communication Commission has released specific steps consumers should take if they have put their phone numbers on the National Do-Not-Call Registry and are called by telemarketers on or after October 1, 2003. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) share responsibility for enforcing the National Do-Not-Call list.   If You are Called by Telemarketers, You Can Do the Following If you have registered your telephone number on the National Do-Not-Call list, tell the telemarketer that you are on the list. Make a note of the time and date of the call, and the identity of the telemarketer for your records. You will need this information if you elect to file a complaint; OR If you are not registered on the National Do-Not-Call list, you can still instruct the telemarketer to place you on its company-specific do-not-call list if you do not want to receive further calls from that company. For your own reference, make a note of the date and time you asked to be put on the company-specific list. Having this information may be helpful if you get called again by the same company and wish to file a complaint with the FCC; OR Explore whether your state has its own do-not-call list. Contact your State Attorney General or State office that administers the list for more information. Filing a Complaint The FCC and the FTC will both accept complaints and share information, so consumers may file complaints with either agency. In addition to complaints alleging violations of the do-not-call list, you may also file a complaint against a telemarketer who is calling for a commercial purpose (e.g., not charitable organizations). The telemarketer calls before 8 AM or after 9 PM; OR The telemarketer leaves a message, but fails to leave a phone number that you can call to sign up for their company specific do-not-call list; OR You receive a telemarketing call from an organization whom you have previously requested not call you; OR The telemarketing firm fails to identify itself; OR You receive a pre-recorded commercial message or robocall from someone with whom you do not have an established business relationship and to whom you havent given permission to call you. (Most pre-recorded commercial messages are unlawful, even if no do-not-call request has been made). How to File a Complaint For consumers who registered their numbers before September 1, 2003, those registrations have taken effect, and consumers may file a complaint at any time if they receive telemarketing calls. For those consumers who registered their telephone numbers after August 31, 2003, the registration takes 90 days to become effective, so those consumers can complain about calls that they receive three months or more after their registration. Complaints should be filed online on the FCCs Telemarketing Complaints web page. Your Complaint Should Include name, address, and telephone number where you can be reached during the business day; the telephone number involved with the complaint; and as much specific information as possible, including the identity of the telemarketer or company contacting you, the date on which you put your number on the national Do-Not-Call registry or made a company-specific do-not-call request, and the date(s) of any subsequent telemarketing call(s) from that telemarketer or company. If mailing a complaint, send it to: Federal Communications Commission Consumer Governmental Affairs Bureau Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554 Consumer Private Right of Action In addition to filing a complaint with the FCC or FTC, consumers may explore the possibility of filing an action in a state court. Preventing Unwanted Calls In the First Place Filing a complaint after the fact can help, there are steps consumers can take to at least reduce the number of unwanted telemarketing phone calls they receive. According to the FTC, adding a phone number to the more than 217 million numbers already on the Do Not Call Registry should stop â€Å"most† unwanted sales calls. The Telemarketing Sales Law allows political calls, calls from charitable organizations, informational calls, calls about debts owed, and phone surveys or polls, as well as calls from companies consumer  has done business with in the past or given permission to call them. What about â€Å"robocalls† - automated recorded messages pitching a product or service? The  FTC warns that most of them are scams. Consumers who get robocalls should never press phone buttons to â€Å"request to speak to someone or be taken off the call list.† Not only will they not get to speak to someone, they will just end up getting more unwanted calls. Instead, consumers should simply hang up and report details of the call to the Federal Trade Commission online or call the  FTC at 1-888-382-1222.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Academic success

Also, being able to manage time and set financial goals also to complete school as well as afford it. Having a support system is also good if you have someone, but if know having great self- esteem and a positive attitude goes a long way. What concerns, if any, do you have with academic writing and reading? Have a concern with my writing and not so much with reading. Have always loved to read and have great comprehension skills. I am just new to all the next formats with technology and writing that didnt have when I was a high school student. Kook forward to improving my writing skill. Know that by starting school may have been a big Step but learning and improving is what I looking forward to. What two university resource races will you use to strengthen your writing and reading skills (refer to your Student Resources Worksheet)? I think will utilize the writing center and the library the most. Have not practice the correct structure of writing since high school and I know now I college I will really need it. I have a strong need to increase my skills in writing.I also know the library will give me more access to reading materials of all kinds. Am also a person who loves to read to in spare time I can take advantage to research things. What is your personal learning style (refer to the Chi. 1 Papilla homework)? Was to able to complete form. What are two obstacles you might need to overcome (refer to your Life Factors and personality assessments)? Was not able to complete form. What strategies can you use to overcome these obstacles and be successful? Was not able to complete form.How does knowing your personal learning style help you be successful? Knowing your own personal learning style is very helpful. It gives you the opportunity to excel. Know by knowing exactly what it needs for me to accomplish my goals. I feel invincible to my course work, know that though it all can do it. Know it makes it allot easier when trying to learn new things ND sometimes you want to retain information and dont know how. I can only image how much could have learned more easily in the past if I knew this information earlier.Do you feel you are ready for the academic and financial commitment of attending college? I know I am ready, because I want a better future for myself. I knew before I enrolled that It wouldnt be easy but have to accomplish this for myself. I dont know how many times have given up on things in life bit this isnt one. I am financially prepared and anticipating the new me once I receive a degree that have work so very hard to obtain. I cant tit until I done but I know I have a journey ahead and this is just the beginning.How can goal setting and time management help you reach your goals? Know goal setting can help me because that how I make it every day now. Have learned my self-worth and have to have a feel of working toward something. My goals help me not only in school but in life and being able to manage and reach them is what makes me feel good about myself. Also I have a full time job so time management is key because I also work long hours so even with the flexibility of an online school I still have to manage to not fall behind.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

International Law Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5500 words

International Law - Article Example Development with its unfathomable vaults and bounds has always been oriented towards the amalgamation of men and women in the pursuit of common accepted objectives. Law is simply an aspect that binds the members of the community jointly in their observance to approved standards and customaries. Law is tolerant or laissez faire in that it allows persons to establish their own legal relations with rights and duties, as in the creation of contracts, and compels as it castigates those who would want to contravene its directives. Law comprises of a sequence of rules modifiable performance, and shimmering, to some extent, the ideas as well as obsessions of the community within which it purposes. The guiding ethical standards that define international law are national states and not individual citizens. There exits many disparities flanking the law within a country as well as the law that functions beyond the precincts and between nationalities, international originations as well as in part icular cases, persons. International law is clustered into variance of laws. The former is more concern with those cases, inside a fastidious legal configuration, in which foreign elements obtrude, raising queries as to the functionalities of alien law or the position of overseas, Rodriguez-Orellana, Manuel (1994). For instance, supposing two English make a contract in France to sell goods that are in Paris, an English court employs French edict as regards the legitimacy of that indenture. By distinction, public international law is not simply an adjunct of a lawful order, instead a separate structure jointly. Unrestricted international decree covers between nationalities in all their innumerable forms, from combats to satellites and controls the functionalities of the numerous international edifices. These laws can be widespread or wide-ranging, in which cases the stipulated rules bind all the states or regional, whereby a group of states associated demographically or philosophically may recognize special rules applying to them for instance, the performance of diplomatic sanctuary that has urbanized to its furthermost extent in Latin America. The policies of transnational edict must be differentiated from what is known as international comity, or traditions such as addressing the flags of for eign warships at sea, which are exclusively employed through civility and are not observed as lawfully obligatory. Correspondingly, the inaccuracy of bewildering international edict with transnational integrity must be precluded. Although thy may convene at various summits, the previous restraint is a permissible one both as regards its content and its form, while the impression of transnational morality is a division of moral code. The implicit here is that international edict can not be alienated from its principles Harhoff Frederik (1994). Law and politics in the world community The first question to be fronted should be the permissible eminence of the transnational edict. Each divide of the transnational argument will probably claim legal justification for its actions and within the international configuration there is no disconnect body that has the ability to resolve the issue and grant a concluding verdict. Practically, everyone that starts reading about transnational edict does so having cultured or acquired about the principled features of regular or conjugal law. Such recognizing smudges incorporate the existence of a recognized body to legislate or create

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Argument Synthesis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument Synthesis paper - Essay Example They are also able to take care for both children and adults. With well-programmed algorithms, robots are able to time elder people under medication. The robots have connected the gap for homebound students who would wish to be in school. Robots in the military scope are spies in war prone area. In my view, robots have filled the gap left by human beings in performing certain tasks. For example, if the VGo was nonexistent, the parents of the child would pay the expenses of employing tutors or else the child would never get educated. Provision of better health care services and nursing is achieved by using timed robots to medicate the elderly in the community. This paper analyses the critical argument as to whether robots benefit or damage the moral fiber and character of the human race. An analysis of robots to ascertain the role robots play in providing accessible education for homebound children. Special needs students in the past have faced difficulties in acquiring education. Parents of special needs children incurred heavy costs in hiring tutors. With the advent of robots, students are able to take part in class though they might not be physically present. The VGo robot has a two-way stream mode where a student with special needs views class activities. On the other hand, the teacher sees the student via its screen. Such aspects ensure personal contribution to the children who are hospitalized or homebound. It enables the student to socially interact with other colleagues. Thus, boosting their esteem and still kills the loneliness experienced by the student (Brown, 2013). The robot has different color lights to attract the attention of the teacher in case the student wishes to answer or respond to a question. In addition, robots give relaxation to children dur ing breaks through acting as a toy. This helps the students have fun and get ready for the next lecture. Robots entertain children while the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Impact of Trauma and Urban Poverty on Family Systems Research Paper

The Impact of Trauma and Urban Poverty on Family Systems - Research Paper Example Poverty will translate to the family being unable to meet their daily needs, parents will be unable to have control over the family, and quarrels and misunderstandings are likely to occur. Poverty has been blamed for many cases of breakup in families because everyone wants to go his or her own way to find a favorable life. Poverty affects a child’s physical development in that the poor family cannot afford proper nutrition to foster the growth of the child. Poor families will only afford meals once or twice in a day, and for a child to grow, proper nutrition is necessary. Poverty also means that the family will not be able to  access proper medical attention and in case of sickness, inferior treatment methods will be used, and the child’s health will deteriorate hence undermining proper physical development (Eamon, 2001). Poor quality housing because of poverty can contribute to frequent illnesses in children because they may be living in dirty environments, and this stunts physical development. Proper nutrition is imperative for the development of cognitive capabilities and since with poverty comes poor nutrition, the children in the poor families will be malnourished. Being malnourished implies that body organs will lack sufficient energy for body organs and tissues to be healthy and functional. If the body organs and tissues do not function properly, this translates to poor cognitive capabilities since the body cannot respond satisfactorily to external factors. This is because illnesses are likely to set in the child’s body hence causing a holdup in the cognitive development of the child.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ontology Development Through Concept Maps Using Text Indices

Ontology Development Through Concept Maps Using Text Indices Abstract- Ontology acts as a platform for knowledge sharing and description to represent a particular domain in the form of customized web information gathering. While developing those ontologies for a particular domain, it emphasizes the knowledge base across the global information than the local in information. In this project represent a customized ontology system for a particular domain. Data mining is chosen as a domain to represent its concepts and scope globally. This system is developed by comparing the pre-existing ontologies on Data Mining and merging the essential features associated with it. Finally the ontological model developed for the domain Data Mining is represented as conceptual map using protà ©gà ©. The conceptual map helps in identifying the relationships between the concepts based on the semantics of the terms. Concept map can be in various different forms. Among that we represent the concept map for data mining in Onto-Graph. Index Terms- Concept Map Mining, Concept Map generation, Text Mining. 1. INTRODUCTION Various tools and techniques are used in the progress of the education field to attain the higher results and quality. Data Exploration is the practice of using visualization techniques to find unforeseen relationships between data points or sets of points in a large databases. Visualization techniques can also be applied to information that is already known. The purpose of any visualization to be used in an educational context is to facilitate the learning of some knowledge (idea, concept, fact, algorithm, relationship). In order to accomplish visualization it must make connections between the knowledge learner and the knowledge being taught. Conceptual structures such as concept maps, topic maps and conceptual graphs deal with organizing, processing and visualizing the domain knowledge in Web based educational systems (WBES)[1]. Concept maps are anticipated in order to overcome the shortcomings of mind map. Concept Maps are graphical representation of knowledge that are comprised of concepts and the relationships between them. Usually concepts are encapsulated in circle or boxes. The relationship between concepts is articulated in linking phrases, e.g., gives rise to, results in, is required by, or contributes to. Concept map uses the triple form concept-link-concept. Concept mapping is a tested, intuitive, low entry-cost technique for knowledge capture and composition. In Concept map concepts are represented in a hierarchical fashion with the most inclusive, most general concepts at the top of the map and the more specific, less general concepts arranged at the bottom level. Concept and web ontology language represent the same domain knowledge. Concept map comprises the nodes and labels and Web Ontology Language (OWL) have the classes, instances and properties. Figure 1.1 Correspondence of Main Ontology Elements To Concept Map The article is further organized as follows. In section 2 related works on conceptual map are narrated in a nutshell. In section 3 the keyword extraction and concept map generation is presented. In Section 4 the evaluation and implementation methods are described. The results and discussions and the conclusion are briefly discussed in section 5. 2. RELATED WORKS The main aim of this chapter is to describe the theoretical foundations and relevant background of concept map creation. It also brings out the different definitions of ontology an overview of keyword extraction, ontology creation, and concept maps the main aim of the project is to develop the domain ontology for Data Mining in order to provide the knowledge base in that domain. At this stage it is essential to have a glance about the pre-existing similar kind of ontology and grasp the knowledge base on that ontologies. There are various researches done on the concept of domain ontology especially on Data Mining. Ontology Ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization[2]. It is formally represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain, and the relationships between pairs of concepts. It can be used to model a domain and support reasoning about concepts. It provides a shared vocabulary, which can be used to model a domain, that is, the type of objects and/or concepts that exist, and their properties and relations. Visualization A good visualization certainly has to do more, but these criteria are useful to draw the line between a lot of things that are often called visualization and what we consider visualization in this field[3]. Based on (non-visual) data. A visualization’s purpose is the communication of data. That means that the data must come from something that is abstract or at least not immediately visible (like the inside of the human body). This rules out photography and image processing. Visualization transforms from the invisible to the visible[4]. Produce an image. It may seem obvious that a visualization has to produce an image, but that is not always so clear. Also, the visual must be the primary means of communication, other modalities can only provide additional information. If the image is only a small part of the process, it is not visualization[5]. Concept Map concept map is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. A concept map typically represents ideas and information as boxes or circles, which it connects with labeled arrows in a downward-branching hierarchical structure. Concept maps are a way to develop logical thinking and study skills by revealing connections and helping students see how individual ideas form a larger whole. Concept maps were developed to enhance meaningful learning in the sciences. A well-made concept map grows within a context frame defined by an explicit focus question, while a mind map often has only branches radiating out from a central picture[6]. Concept Map History Concept Maps (CM) were introduced by Joseph Novak as a way to assess childrens understanding of science with graphical tools to organize and represent knowledge (Novak Gowin, 1984)[7]. In a CM, concepts are represented in boxes that are linked by labeled relationships; two related concepts (including their link) form a proposition or semantic unit. Concepts are also arranged hierarchically such that more general concepts are located higher on the map and specific concepts such as examples are located lower. Novak defines a concept as a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects designated by a label. A concept by itself does not provide meaning, but when two concepts are connected using linking words or phrases, they form a meaningful proposition. Figure 2.1 Concept Map Using Tools Kuo-En Chang et.al.,[8] have developed the Effect of Concept Mapping to Enhance Text Comprehension and Summarization. Graphic strategies, such as graphic organizers and knowledge maps, have proved helpful for text learning, certain important application issues such as surface processing and cognitive overload have yet to be resolved. The authors tested the learning effects of a concept-mapping strategy. They designed three concept-mapping approaches—map correction, scaffold fading, and map generation—to determine their effects on students’ text comprehension and summarization abilities. The experimental results showed that the map-correction method enhanced text comprehension and summarization abilities and that the scaffold-fading method facilitated summarization ability. Nian-Shing et. al.,[9]. Chan have developed the Mining e-Learning domain concept map. Recent researches have demonstrated the importance of concept map and its versatile applications especially in e-Learning. For example, while designing adaptive learning materials, designers need to refer to the concept map of a subject domain. Moreover, concept maps can show the whole picture and core knowledge about a subject domain. Research from literature also suggests that graphical representation of domain knowledge can reduce the problems of information overload and learning disorientation for learners. However, construction of concept maps typically relied upon domain experts in the past; it is a time consuming and high cost task. Concept maps creation for emerging new domains such as e-Learning is even more challenging due to its ongoing development nature. The aim of this paper is to construct e-Learning domain concept maps from academic articles. The authors have adopted some relevant jo urnal articles and conference papers in e-Learning domain as data sources, and applied text-mining techniques to automatically construct concept maps for e-Learning domain. The constructed concept maps can provide a useful reference for researchers, who are new to the e-Leaning field, to study related issues, for teachers to design adaptive learning materials, and for learners to understand the whole picture of e-Learning domain knowledge. A system is developed to realize the whole process of automatic concept map construction for e-Learning domain. These processes are needed only once for constructing concept map database. Clariana .B et, al.,[9] have developed A Computer-Based Approach For Translating Text into Concept Map-Like Representations . Essays, concept maps provide a visual and holistic way to describe declarative knowledge relationships, often providing a clear measure of student understanding and most strikingly, highlighting student misconceptions. This article presents a computer-based approach that uses concept-map like Pathfinder network representations to make visual students’ written text summaries of biological content. A software utility called ALA-Reader was used to translate students’ written text summaries of the heart and circulatory system into raw proximity data, and then Pathfinder PCKNOT software was used to convert the proximity data into visual PFNets. The validity of the resulting PFNets as adequate representations of the students’ written text was considered by simply asking the students and also by comparing the correlation of human rater scores to the PFNet agreement-with-an-expert scores. The concept-map like PFNet representations of texts provided students (and their instructor) with another way of thinking about their written text, especially by highlighting correct, incorrect, and missing propositions in their text. This paper provides an overview of the approach and the pilot experimental results. The actual poster session will in addition demonstration the free ALA-Reader software and will also how to procure and use PCKNOT software. Method and Tools Twenty-four graduate students who are experienced practicing teachers enrolled in an educational assessment course used Inspiration software to create concept maps on the structure and function of the human heart while researching the topic online. Later outside of class, using their concept map they wrote text summaries as a precursor for the in-class activities of scoring the concept maps and text summaries (essays). In class, students discussed multiple scoring approaches and then working in pairs, scored all of the text summaries using a 5-point rubric that focused on three areas, content, style, mechanics, and overall. Tools: ALA-Reader software PCKNOT software Comparing text scores (from human raters)to the ALA-Reader/PFNet text scores. In this pilot study, graduate students used Inspiration software to create concept maps while researching the structure and function of the human heart online, these concept maps were used to write text summaries, and then the text summaries were translated into concept map-like representations using computer-based software tools. The findings suggest that this approach captures some aspects of science content and/or process knowledge contained in the students’ text summaries. The concept-map like PFNet representations of texts provides students (and their instructor) with another way of thinking about their written text and their science content knowledge, especially by highlighting correct, incorrect, and missing propositions. Given a little thought, there are multiple ways that this approach can be used instructionally. For example, one of our near term goals is to embed the text-to-map system into writing software and also to use the approach for answer judging (relative t o an expert) of extended constructed response items in online instruction[10]. 3. KEYWORD EXTRACTION AND CONCEPT MAP GENERATION A good concept map contains only relevant concepts (a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by a label), connected by linking words into coherent propositions. On deciding what concepts to include in a concept map, and on linking them properly the author’s reflection is required . Concept maps have been used to support reading and writing activities, what is known as Text Concept Mapping (TCM) . The activities usually consist on summarizing the key ideas in a piece of text, and there are three ways of doing it: Building a concept map from scratch, fixing a previously built concept map and studying a concept map. In the first activity the students build a concept map without any support, in the second activity the teacher builds a map that has some errors and/or missing information that the students have to fix, and in the final activity the students study a concept map built by the teacher which summarizes the text. All activiti es have been shown to improve the students’ understanding on the readings’ topics . Concept Map Mining: Figure 3.1 CMM Process Concept Map Mining is defined as the extraction of concept maps from text that are useful in educational context. Its aim is to provide new ways to visualize the knowledge expressed in the text for human consumption. The CMM process consist on identifying the concept in a piece of text and the linking words that connect them. It has three sub-task which are: Concept Extraction, Relationship Extraction and summarization. The first task aims to identify every possible concept in the second aims to find all possible connections between the previous concepts and the third step consists on creating a reduced version of the map that summarizes the content, avoiding redundancy and maximizing coverage. This Concept Map Mining (CMM) is: The automatic extraction of concept maps from essays for educational purposes, and presented the analysis of a gold standard constructed for the purpose of evaluating the algorithms that will implement the task. The main goal of the analysis is to gain an understanding on the characteristics of the concept maps produced by human annotators when asked to create a summary of a piece of text. Such patterns will inform the design of the automatic algorithms that will implement CMM. 4. IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION The main intention of the paper is generating the concept map from the Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies. Existing ontologies which are already available on the web pages are used as the input. Web ontology Language (OWL) has the classes and properties, data type properties and object properties. The importance of automatic methods to enrich knowledge bases from free text is acknowledged by the knowledge management and ontology communities. Developing a domain knowledge base is an expensive and time consuming task, and static knowledge bases are difficult to maintain. This is especially true in the domain of online training. Domain ontology is central of the knowledge base. This research focuses mainly on the domain model and describes a semiautomatic methodology and tool, to build domain ontologies from English text. Concept maps are tends to make the structure of a body of knowledge much more significant for human users than other forms of knowledge representation. Hence, easily validated and enriched by a domain expert. Concept maps also foster meaningful learning and index sentences at a fine-grained level, which is required for efficient indexing and retrieval. In order to promote interoperability and reuse, concept maps pass through an export process that outputs lightweight domain ontology. The objectives of the research work are: To present a overview of keyword extraction and ontology creation. To extracting the keywords automatically from given text using java coding in eclips. To analyzing the extracted keywords and build ontology manually. To propose a automatic concept map for ontology creation from text. To view the concept map using OWL API 3.4.2 (Protege). Figure 4.1 Overview of Keyword Extraction Figure 4.2 Using Keyword Generating the Concept Map in OntoGraf Tool 5. CONCLUSION A number of enhancements and extensions are possible. We would like to enrich the keyword extraction with new structures and explore other ways of expressing patterns. Moreover, further thorough ontology and concept map are need to develop automatically. Additionally, the different types or structure documents are not only converting text document into ontology in future other structure documents also convert into ontology automatically The proposed framework for generating the concept map from the OWL ontologies having the ability to generate the concept map in the very effective manner. This is the main advantage of this proposed framework. This framework is suitable to generate the concept map at the minimum number nodes upto the maximum of fifty nodes. The number of nodes has to be increased and make the possible to view the more contents and the relationship between the concepts. In future, more refinement and enhancement will be added in the concept map generating software. OWL file could be transformed independently from their construction tool. The visualization of the concept map has to be increased to improve the clear visual presentation of the concepts and relationship.