Thursday, October 31, 2019

Argument Synthesis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Argument Synthesis paper - Essay Example They are also able to take care for both children and adults. With well-programmed algorithms, robots are able to time elder people under medication. The robots have connected the gap for homebound students who would wish to be in school. Robots in the military scope are spies in war prone area. In my view, robots have filled the gap left by human beings in performing certain tasks. For example, if the VGo was nonexistent, the parents of the child would pay the expenses of employing tutors or else the child would never get educated. Provision of better health care services and nursing is achieved by using timed robots to medicate the elderly in the community. This paper analyses the critical argument as to whether robots benefit or damage the moral fiber and character of the human race. An analysis of robots to ascertain the role robots play in providing accessible education for homebound children. Special needs students in the past have faced difficulties in acquiring education. Parents of special needs children incurred heavy costs in hiring tutors. With the advent of robots, students are able to take part in class though they might not be physically present. The VGo robot has a two-way stream mode where a student with special needs views class activities. On the other hand, the teacher sees the student via its screen. Such aspects ensure personal contribution to the children who are hospitalized or homebound. It enables the student to socially interact with other colleagues. Thus, boosting their esteem and still kills the loneliness experienced by the student (Brown, 2013). The robot has different color lights to attract the attention of the teacher in case the student wishes to answer or respond to a question. In addition, robots give relaxation to children dur ing breaks through acting as a toy. This helps the students have fun and get ready for the next lecture. Robots entertain children while the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The Impact of Trauma and Urban Poverty on Family Systems Research Paper

The Impact of Trauma and Urban Poverty on Family Systems - Research Paper Example Poverty will translate to the family being unable to meet their daily needs, parents will be unable to have control over the family, and quarrels and misunderstandings are likely to occur. Poverty has been blamed for many cases of breakup in families because everyone wants to go his or her own way to find a favorable life. Poverty affects a child’s physical development in that the poor family cannot afford proper nutrition to foster the growth of the child. Poor families will only afford meals once or twice in a day, and for a child to grow, proper nutrition is necessary. Poverty also means that the family will not be able to  access proper medical attention and in case of sickness, inferior treatment methods will be used, and the child’s health will deteriorate hence undermining proper physical development (Eamon, 2001). Poor quality housing because of poverty can contribute to frequent illnesses in children because they may be living in dirty environments, and this stunts physical development. Proper nutrition is imperative for the development of cognitive capabilities and since with poverty comes poor nutrition, the children in the poor families will be malnourished. Being malnourished implies that body organs will lack sufficient energy for body organs and tissues to be healthy and functional. If the body organs and tissues do not function properly, this translates to poor cognitive capabilities since the body cannot respond satisfactorily to external factors. This is because illnesses are likely to set in the child’s body hence causing a holdup in the cognitive development of the child.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Ontology Development Through Concept Maps Using Text Indices

Ontology Development Through Concept Maps Using Text Indices Abstract- Ontology acts as a platform for knowledge sharing and description to represent a particular domain in the form of customized web information gathering. While developing those ontologies for a particular domain, it emphasizes the knowledge base across the global information than the local in information. In this project represent a customized ontology system for a particular domain. Data mining is chosen as a domain to represent its concepts and scope globally. This system is developed by comparing the pre-existing ontologies on Data Mining and merging the essential features associated with it. Finally the ontological model developed for the domain Data Mining is represented as conceptual map using protà ©gà ©. The conceptual map helps in identifying the relationships between the concepts based on the semantics of the terms. Concept map can be in various different forms. Among that we represent the concept map for data mining in Onto-Graph. Index Terms- Concept Map Mining, Concept Map generation, Text Mining. 1. INTRODUCTION Various tools and techniques are used in the progress of the education field to attain the higher results and quality. Data Exploration is the practice of using visualization techniques to find unforeseen relationships between data points or sets of points in a large databases. Visualization techniques can also be applied to information that is already known. The purpose of any visualization to be used in an educational context is to facilitate the learning of some knowledge (idea, concept, fact, algorithm, relationship). In order to accomplish visualization it must make connections between the knowledge learner and the knowledge being taught. Conceptual structures such as concept maps, topic maps and conceptual graphs deal with organizing, processing and visualizing the domain knowledge in Web based educational systems (WBES)[1]. Concept maps are anticipated in order to overcome the shortcomings of mind map. Concept Maps are graphical representation of knowledge that are comprised of concepts and the relationships between them. Usually concepts are encapsulated in circle or boxes. The relationship between concepts is articulated in linking phrases, e.g., gives rise to, results in, is required by, or contributes to. Concept map uses the triple form concept-link-concept. Concept mapping is a tested, intuitive, low entry-cost technique for knowledge capture and composition. In Concept map concepts are represented in a hierarchical fashion with the most inclusive, most general concepts at the top of the map and the more specific, less general concepts arranged at the bottom level. Concept and web ontology language represent the same domain knowledge. Concept map comprises the nodes and labels and Web Ontology Language (OWL) have the classes, instances and properties. Figure 1.1 Correspondence of Main Ontology Elements To Concept Map The article is further organized as follows. In section 2 related works on conceptual map are narrated in a nutshell. In section 3 the keyword extraction and concept map generation is presented. In Section 4 the evaluation and implementation methods are described. The results and discussions and the conclusion are briefly discussed in section 5. 2. RELATED WORKS The main aim of this chapter is to describe the theoretical foundations and relevant background of concept map creation. It also brings out the different definitions of ontology an overview of keyword extraction, ontology creation, and concept maps the main aim of the project is to develop the domain ontology for Data Mining in order to provide the knowledge base in that domain. At this stage it is essential to have a glance about the pre-existing similar kind of ontology and grasp the knowledge base on that ontologies. There are various researches done on the concept of domain ontology especially on Data Mining. Ontology Ontology is a formal, explicit specification of a shared conceptualization[2]. It is formally represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain, and the relationships between pairs of concepts. It can be used to model a domain and support reasoning about concepts. It provides a shared vocabulary, which can be used to model a domain, that is, the type of objects and/or concepts that exist, and their properties and relations. Visualization A good visualization certainly has to do more, but these criteria are useful to draw the line between a lot of things that are often called visualization and what we consider visualization in this field[3]. Based on (non-visual) data. A visualization’s purpose is the communication of data. That means that the data must come from something that is abstract or at least not immediately visible (like the inside of the human body). This rules out photography and image processing. Visualization transforms from the invisible to the visible[4]. Produce an image. It may seem obvious that a visualization has to produce an image, but that is not always so clear. Also, the visual must be the primary means of communication, other modalities can only provide additional information. If the image is only a small part of the process, it is not visualization[5]. Concept Map concept map is a diagram that depicts suggested relationships between concepts. A concept map typically represents ideas and information as boxes or circles, which it connects with labeled arrows in a downward-branching hierarchical structure. Concept maps are a way to develop logical thinking and study skills by revealing connections and helping students see how individual ideas form a larger whole. Concept maps were developed to enhance meaningful learning in the sciences. A well-made concept map grows within a context frame defined by an explicit focus question, while a mind map often has only branches radiating out from a central picture[6]. Concept Map History Concept Maps (CM) were introduced by Joseph Novak as a way to assess childrens understanding of science with graphical tools to organize and represent knowledge (Novak Gowin, 1984)[7]. In a CM, concepts are represented in boxes that are linked by labeled relationships; two related concepts (including their link) form a proposition or semantic unit. Concepts are also arranged hierarchically such that more general concepts are located higher on the map and specific concepts such as examples are located lower. Novak defines a concept as a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects designated by a label. A concept by itself does not provide meaning, but when two concepts are connected using linking words or phrases, they form a meaningful proposition. Figure 2.1 Concept Map Using Tools Kuo-En Chang,[8] have developed the Effect of Concept Mapping to Enhance Text Comprehension and Summarization. Graphic strategies, such as graphic organizers and knowledge maps, have proved helpful for text learning, certain important application issues such as surface processing and cognitive overload have yet to be resolved. The authors tested the learning effects of a concept-mapping strategy. They designed three concept-mapping approaches—map correction, scaffold fading, and map generation—to determine their effects on students’ text comprehension and summarization abilities. The experimental results showed that the map-correction method enhanced text comprehension and summarization abilities and that the scaffold-fading method facilitated summarization ability. Nian-Shing et. al.,[9]. Chan have developed the Mining e-Learning domain concept map. Recent researches have demonstrated the importance of concept map and its versatile applications especially in e-Learning. For example, while designing adaptive learning materials, designers need to refer to the concept map of a subject domain. Moreover, concept maps can show the whole picture and core knowledge about a subject domain. Research from literature also suggests that graphical representation of domain knowledge can reduce the problems of information overload and learning disorientation for learners. However, construction of concept maps typically relied upon domain experts in the past; it is a time consuming and high cost task. Concept maps creation for emerging new domains such as e-Learning is even more challenging due to its ongoing development nature. The aim of this paper is to construct e-Learning domain concept maps from academic articles. The authors have adopted some relevant jo urnal articles and conference papers in e-Learning domain as data sources, and applied text-mining techniques to automatically construct concept maps for e-Learning domain. The constructed concept maps can provide a useful reference for researchers, who are new to the e-Leaning field, to study related issues, for teachers to design adaptive learning materials, and for learners to understand the whole picture of e-Learning domain knowledge. A system is developed to realize the whole process of automatic concept map construction for e-Learning domain. These processes are needed only once for constructing concept map database. Clariana .B et, al.,[9] have developed A Computer-Based Approach For Translating Text into Concept Map-Like Representations . Essays, concept maps provide a visual and holistic way to describe declarative knowledge relationships, often providing a clear measure of student understanding and most strikingly, highlighting student misconceptions. This article presents a computer-based approach that uses concept-map like Pathfinder network representations to make visual students’ written text summaries of biological content. A software utility called ALA-Reader was used to translate students’ written text summaries of the heart and circulatory system into raw proximity data, and then Pathfinder PCKNOT software was used to convert the proximity data into visual PFNets. The validity of the resulting PFNets as adequate representations of the students’ written text was considered by simply asking the students and also by comparing the correlation of human rater scores to the PFNet agreement-with-an-expert scores. The concept-map like PFNet representations of texts provided students (and their instructor) with another way of thinking about their written text, especially by highlighting correct, incorrect, and missing propositions in their text. This paper provides an overview of the approach and the pilot experimental results. The actual poster session will in addition demonstration the free ALA-Reader software and will also how to procure and use PCKNOT software. Method and Tools Twenty-four graduate students who are experienced practicing teachers enrolled in an educational assessment course used Inspiration software to create concept maps on the structure and function of the human heart while researching the topic online. Later outside of class, using their concept map they wrote text summaries as a precursor for the in-class activities of scoring the concept maps and text summaries (essays). In class, students discussed multiple scoring approaches and then working in pairs, scored all of the text summaries using a 5-point rubric that focused on three areas, content, style, mechanics, and overall. Tools: ALA-Reader software PCKNOT software Comparing text scores (from human raters)to the ALA-Reader/PFNet text scores. In this pilot study, graduate students used Inspiration software to create concept maps while researching the structure and function of the human heart online, these concept maps were used to write text summaries, and then the text summaries were translated into concept map-like representations using computer-based software tools. The findings suggest that this approach captures some aspects of science content and/or process knowledge contained in the students’ text summaries. The concept-map like PFNet representations of texts provides students (and their instructor) with another way of thinking about their written text and their science content knowledge, especially by highlighting correct, incorrect, and missing propositions. Given a little thought, there are multiple ways that this approach can be used instructionally. For example, one of our near term goals is to embed the text-to-map system into writing software and also to use the approach for answer judging (relative t o an expert) of extended constructed response items in online instruction[10]. 3. KEYWORD EXTRACTION AND CONCEPT MAP GENERATION A good concept map contains only relevant concepts (a perceived regularity in events or objects, or records of events or objects, designated by a label), connected by linking words into coherent propositions. On deciding what concepts to include in a concept map, and on linking them properly the author’s reflection is required . Concept maps have been used to support reading and writing activities, what is known as Text Concept Mapping (TCM) . The activities usually consist on summarizing the key ideas in a piece of text, and there are three ways of doing it: Building a concept map from scratch, fixing a previously built concept map and studying a concept map. In the first activity the students build a concept map without any support, in the second activity the teacher builds a map that has some errors and/or missing information that the students have to fix, and in the final activity the students study a concept map built by the teacher which summarizes the text. All activiti es have been shown to improve the students’ understanding on the readings’ topics . Concept Map Mining: Figure 3.1 CMM Process Concept Map Mining is defined as the extraction of concept maps from text that are useful in educational context. Its aim is to provide new ways to visualize the knowledge expressed in the text for human consumption. The CMM process consist on identifying the concept in a piece of text and the linking words that connect them. It has three sub-task which are: Concept Extraction, Relationship Extraction and summarization. The first task aims to identify every possible concept in the second aims to find all possible connections between the previous concepts and the third step consists on creating a reduced version of the map that summarizes the content, avoiding redundancy and maximizing coverage. This Concept Map Mining (CMM) is: The automatic extraction of concept maps from essays for educational purposes, and presented the analysis of a gold standard constructed for the purpose of evaluating the algorithms that will implement the task. The main goal of the analysis is to gain an understanding on the characteristics of the concept maps produced by human annotators when asked to create a summary of a piece of text. Such patterns will inform the design of the automatic algorithms that will implement CMM. 4. IMPLEMENTATION AND EVALUATION The main intention of the paper is generating the concept map from the Web Ontology Language (OWL) ontologies. Existing ontologies which are already available on the web pages are used as the input. Web ontology Language (OWL) has the classes and properties, data type properties and object properties. The importance of automatic methods to enrich knowledge bases from free text is acknowledged by the knowledge management and ontology communities. Developing a domain knowledge base is an expensive and time consuming task, and static knowledge bases are difficult to maintain. This is especially true in the domain of online training. Domain ontology is central of the knowledge base. This research focuses mainly on the domain model and describes a semiautomatic methodology and tool, to build domain ontologies from English text. Concept maps are tends to make the structure of a body of knowledge much more significant for human users than other forms of knowledge representation. Hence, easily validated and enriched by a domain expert. Concept maps also foster meaningful learning and index sentences at a fine-grained level, which is required for efficient indexing and retrieval. In order to promote interoperability and reuse, concept maps pass through an export process that outputs lightweight domain ontology. The objectives of the research work are: To present a overview of keyword extraction and ontology creation. To extracting the keywords automatically from given text using java coding in eclips. To analyzing the extracted keywords and build ontology manually. To propose a automatic concept map for ontology creation from text. To view the concept map using OWL API 3.4.2 (Protege). Figure 4.1 Overview of Keyword Extraction Figure 4.2 Using Keyword Generating the Concept Map in OntoGraf Tool 5. CONCLUSION A number of enhancements and extensions are possible. We would like to enrich the keyword extraction with new structures and explore other ways of expressing patterns. Moreover, further thorough ontology and concept map are need to develop automatically. Additionally, the different types or structure documents are not only converting text document into ontology in future other structure documents also convert into ontology automatically The proposed framework for generating the concept map from the OWL ontologies having the ability to generate the concept map in the very effective manner. This is the main advantage of this proposed framework. This framework is suitable to generate the concept map at the minimum number nodes upto the maximum of fifty nodes. The number of nodes has to be increased and make the possible to view the more contents and the relationship between the concepts. In future, more refinement and enhancement will be added in the concept map generating software. OWL file could be transformed independently from their construction tool. The visualization of the concept map has to be increased to improve the clear visual presentation of the concepts and relationship.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Euripides Support of Women’s Rights Essay -- Biography Biographies Ess

Euripides Support of Women’s Rights      Ã‚  Ã‚   One can hardly deny that in Euripides’ plays women are often portrayed as weak, uncertain, and torn between what they must do and what they can bring themselves to do.   Other women appear to be the root of grave evils, or simply perpetrators of heinous crimes.   In a day when analysis of characters and plot had yet to be invented, it is easy to see why he might have been thought to be very much against women.   However, when looking back with current understanding of what Euripides was doing at the time, armed with knowledge of plot devices and Socratic philosophy, this argument simply does not hold up.   In fact, a very strong argument can be made to the opposite, that Euripides was in fact very much in support of women’s rights, and thought they were treated unfairly.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   To begin to understand what Euripides was doing, it is best to understand the medium of his art: the Greek theater.   Theater was a competitive art among playwrights, with several competitions throughout the year, the greatest of which was at the Dionysian festivals in the spring.   Greek drama, tragedy in particular, had little in common with modern acting productions.   There was little or no suspense as to the outcome of the play; most all were based on Homeric tales from The Iliad and The Odyssey.   The skill, therefore, was not in creating a fascinating plot, but in the subtle changes the playwright could incorporate to increase the dramatic effect.   Changing the reasons for conflicts, dialogue, order of events, and sometimes even the outcome of the play were all ways to do this.   With all these devices available to the fifth century playwright, what made Euripides so special that he was almost exclusiv... ... Euripides. Medea. Trans. Paul Roche. New York: Norton, 1974. Euripides. The Bacchae. Trans. Paul Roche. New York: Norton, 1974. Euripides. Andromache. Trans. John McLean. New York: Dial Press, 1936. Euripides. Hippolytos. Trans. John McLean. New York: Dial Press, 1936. Euripides. Trojan Women. Trans. John McLean. New York: Dial Press, 1936. Euripides. Electra. Trans. John McLean. New York: Dial Press, 1936. Nietzsche, Friedrich. The Birth of Tragedy. Trans. Clifton Fadiman. New York: Dover Publications, 1995. Perseus Encyclopedia. Revised 1999. Tufts University.>. Powell, Anton, ed.   Euripides, Women, and Sexuality.   New York: Routledge, 1990. March, Jennifer.   â€Å"Euripides the Mysogynist?†Ã‚   Euripides, Women, and Sexuality.   Ed. Anton Powell.   New York: Routledge, 1990.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Causes of Wwi

The long-term causes 1. Colonial rivalry-competition for even bigger empires 2. Balkan nationalisim-the desire of the Slav peoples of this area to join those in the empire of Austria-Hungary 3. The arms race-competition for bigger armed forces and more armaments 4. The Anglo-German Naval Race 5. Kaiser Wilhelm II and German militarism 6. Alliance system-The Tripple Alliance and the Triple Entente The immediate cause of the war 1. The assassination of Franz-Ferdinand 2. Russia’s backing Serbia made war more likely 3. German backing for Austria was crucially important Colonial rivalry-competition for even bigger empiresCompetition between the Great Powers in Europe to gain colonies plays an important role in causing the WWI. By the beginning of the twentieth century, many great powers in Europe has built up their empires by holding colonies or ares. This is known as imperialism and as means when a country takes over new lands or countries and makes them subject to their rule. Ma ny countries such as the British Empire were at the peak of their industrial revolution and their developments of industries were huge. When industrialism occurs, countries need foreign markets to sell their increase in goods.Great Britain had the the largest number of colonies in the world so that King George V was also the Emperor of India and ruler of many other lands overseas. The great Empire took up nearly a quarter of the world’s land surface with 390 million of population of the colonies in 1914. And also France has the second largest empire in the world with colonies in Africa, the Far East and Indo-China. Those large number of colonies improved Britain’s and France’s dominance over the Europe and made them powerful and influential. The Germans were left with some small and commercially marginal colonies.There was a great deal of jealousy in Germany in regard to the British and French empires. The King of Germany , Kaiser Wilhem envied the mighty Britai n Empire . He decided that Germany too must have colonies overseas, which would helped him expand the German Empire and provide Germany with a market for her growing industries. It would also be a status sybol showing Germany’s greatness and gaining it respect. ( Furthermore, Britain in particular, used its navy and merchant navy to dominate overseas trade, which also provided a source of irritation to the Germans. The Germans embarked on a program of massive naval spending in order to create a navy capable of challenging Britain's domination of the sea. This caused considerable concern in Britain and tensions between the Germans and the Britain. Once the trigger was fired, the assassination of the Archduke, Imperialism directly led to a naval arms race between the two countries. Causing the disparity of the power of different countries ,competition and tension between countries to grow , the Colonial rivalry made countries willing and eager to join World War I, which was see n as an opportunity to gain colonies and reshape the world.Therefore, German declared war on Russia and mobilized her army when Russia refused to send troops to help Serbia and other countries joined in the War later. On 5 August, all the great powers of Europe were at war with each other, WWI broke out. Balkan nationalism-the desire of the Slav peoples of this area to join those in the empire of Austria-Hungary Balkan nationalism is also one of the important factors of the outbreak of WWI. The Balkans is the area of south-west Europe and it was the powder-keg or trouble spot of Europe. This area had once been part of Turkish Empire.It was inhabited by Slav peoples such as the Serbs, Bulgarians and Romanians, who were able to rule themselves. Many nationalities were part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire but Serbia wanted to unite all Serbs within a greater Serbia. The Slav peoples of Balkans desired those in the empire of Austria-Hungary to join with them. Russia regarded herself as t he protector of these Slavs since they shared a common nationality. Austia-Hungary feard losing not only the Serbs but also other Balkan nationals so that Austria-Hungary wanted to take over the states of this area to preserve of this empire.It brought increasing rivalry between Russia and Austria-Hungary. When Austria started war with Serbia, Russia ordered the Russian army to prepare for war in order to help the Slavs of Serbia on 29 July, which started a countdown to the biggest war, WWI. German sent ultimatum to Tsar Nicholas to order him to stop mobilizing but Russia refused to accept and so Germany declared war on Russia , mobilizing her army. As France was an ally of Russia the French government ordered the mobilization of the French army on 1 August. Many other great powers joined the war later so that WWI broke out on 5 August.Causing the tension and opposition between Russia and Austria-Hungary to rise and making the mobilization of Russia which started the countdown of th e war,the Balkan nationalism made the war likely to happen. Therefore, the Balkan nationalism was one of the factors of the outbreak of WWI, The arms race-(competition for bigger armed forces and more armaments) The arms race also contributes into causing the WWI to break out. By the beginning of twentieth century , great powers in Europe have started to rival with each other through building up the size of their armed forces.Each major power in Europe except Britain had trained a huge army of conscripts, which means young men forced by law to become soldiers for a year or so. These armies could be mobilized at a moment’s notice. In the period 1900-1904 the main European powers more than doubled their spending on their armies. From 1872 to 1912, Germany increased more than 300% of her armaments spending when Russia increased more than 250% with Italy, Great Britain, Austria-Hungary and France around 100%. Guns , shells, bullets and other weapons had been stockpiled in case of war.Ever more destructive weapons were being developed and improved, such as the machine-gun and huge field guns. The increases in spending of armaments caused the military rival between countries to rise. The arm races increased tension between the Great Powers. They felt threatened when others increased its army and gained stronger weapons so that they competed with each other through making their military power stronger with a rolling ‘snowball’ effect. It made the war more likely since country increased its army and weapons it became more confident of success in a future war and more willing to test out their armed forces.When Austria started war with Serbia after the assassination of Franz-Ferdinand, Russia backed Serbia as a starting point of countdown of WWI . More great powers joined the large-scaled war soon later since they were confident and well prepared to compete their military powers. WWI broke out on 5th August 1914. Increasing the tension and competiti on between countries and accelerating the coming of the war , the arms race gathered all great powers together and made the war faster and more possible to happen. Therefore, the arms race was one of the most important factors of the outbreak of WWI. The Anglo-German Naval RaceThe Anglo-German naval race was also one of the factors of the outbreak of WWI. Before WWI,Great Britain had the most powerful naval in the world, which was her Royal Navy. The navy which outgunned and outnumbered all other navies not only protected the Empire and trade, but also prevented foreign invasion. At the same time, Germany had the world’s best army but Kaiser Wilhelm, but the German reluer would like to compete with Britain so that it began to build a fleet of battleships to rival the British Navy in 1898. Britain were not worried about the growth of the German fleet too much at first since they had enormous lead.However, the introduction of the powerful British ‘Dreadnought’ batt leship in 1906 changed all this. The dreadnought was faster, bigger and had a much great firing range than existing battleships and this super-battleship made all previous battleships obsolete or out of date. This allowed the Germans to begin building ‘Dreadnoughts’ on equal terms with Britain. A race developed between two countries to see who could build the most. In 1909 Britain had 8 Dreadnoughts to Germany’s seven. This naval race poisoned the relations between the two countries and was the main bone of contention between the two right up to 1914.When Germany was preparing to invade Belgium, the British sent her troops to protect Belgium from attack. British sent a telegram to call Germany to back her army. With no reply from Germany , the Britain started war with Germany and from then, all the great powers of Europe became at war with each other. On 5th August, 1914, WWI broke out. By worsening the relations between Germany and Britain and causing rival and tension between them to rise, the Anglo-Naval Race made the war between the two more likely to happen and it became a part a WWI. Therefore, the Anglo-Naval race was one of the factors of the outbreak of WWI.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Prospectus of bsrm steels limited Essay

Declarations and due diligence certificates Declaration about the responsibility of the Directors including the CEO of the Company in respect of the prospectus Consent of the Directors to Serve Declaration about filing of prospectus with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms Due Diligence Certificate of Manger to the Issue Due Diligence Certificate of the Underwriter(s) Risk factors & management perceptions about the risks Capital structure Use of IPO proceeds Description of business Back ground of the project Important date Nature of business Principal products and services The Rolling Process Market for the BSRMS Products Relative contribution to income Associate subsidiary/related holding company Distribution of products/services Sources and availability of raw materials and principal suppliers Competitive condition of business Sources of and requirement for power, gas and water or any other utilities Customer providing 10% or more revenues Contract with principal customers and suppliers Material patents, trademarks, license or royalty agreements Number of employees (as per audited accounts) Capacity and current utilization of facility Description of property Financial Condition and Plan of Operation Internal and external sources of fund (as per audited accounts) Material commitment for capital expenditure Causes for material changes Seasonal aspect of the Company’s business Known trends, events or uncertainties Change in the assets of the Company used to pay off any liabilities Loan taken from holding/parent company or subsidiary company Loan given to holding/parent company or subsidiary company Future contractual liabilities Future capital expenditure VAT, income tax, customs duty or other tax liability Operating lease agreement Financial lease and other financial commitment Personnel related scheme Revaluation of assets Breakdown of issue expenses Auditors certificate regarding any allotment of shares to promoters or Sponsor shareholders for consideration other than in cash -5- Page No 7 7 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited Item Transactions with subsidiary/holding company or associate companies Material information which is likely to have an impact Directors and officers Information regarding directorship Directors involvement in other organization Family relationship among directors and top five officers Short bio-data of the directors Credit information Bureau (CIB) report Description of senior executive and departmental heads Involvement of Directors and officers in certain legal proceedings Certain Relationships and Related Transactions Transaction with related parties Directors facilities Executive compensation Remuneration paid to top five salaried officers Aggregate amount of remuneration paid to directors and officers (as audited accounts) Remuneration paid to Director who was not an officer Future compensation to Director or officers Pay increase intention Options granted to Directors, officers and employees Transaction with the Directors and subscribers to the Memorandum Tangible assets per share Ownership of the Company’s securities Composition of Shareholders Share hold by Directors Shareholding structure 5% or more as on 30 April 2008 Securities owned by the officers Determination of offering price Market for the securities being offered Declaration about listing of shares with Stock Exchange Trading and settlement Description of Securities outstanding or being offered Dividend, voting, pre-emption rights Conversion and liquidation rights Dividend policy Other rights of shareholders Debt securities Lock-in on sponsors share Refund of subscription money Subscription by and refund to non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) Availability of securities Offer Application for subscription Allotment Underwriting of shares Principal terms and conditions of underwriting agreement Underwriter’s right to represent in the Board of Directors of the Company Auditors report to the shareholders Audited Financial Statements Auditors report under section 135(1), Para 24(1) of part II of schedule III to Companies Act, 1994 Ratio Analysis Additional disclosures as required by Securities and Exchange Commission Credit rating report of BSRMS Application forms -6- Page No 23 23 23 23 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 32 32 32 36 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 39 40 54 55 57 59 76 Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited Disclosure in respect of issuance of security in Demat Form As per provision of the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under, shares will only be issued in dematerialized condition. All transfer/transmission/splitting will take place in the Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) system and any further issuance of shares (right/bonus) will be issued in dematerialized form only. Conditions under Section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 Part A 1. The company shall go for Initial Public Offer (IPO) for 20,00,000 ordinary shares of Taka 100 (taka one hundred) each at par worth Taka 20,00,00,000 (Taka twenty crore) only following the Securities and Exchange Commission (Public Issue) Rules, 2006, the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under. 2. The abridged version of the prospectus, as approved by the Commission, shall be published by the issuer in four national daily newspapers (in two Bangla and two English), within 03 (three) working days of issuance of this letter. The issuer shall post the full prospectus vetted by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the issuer’s website and shall also put on the websites of the Commission, stock exchanges, and the issue managers within 03 (three) working days from the date of issuance of this letter which shall remain posted till the closure of the subscription list. The issuer shall submit to SEC, the stock exchanges and the issue managers a diskette containing the text of the vetted prospectus in â€Å"MS -Word† format. 3. Sufficient copies of prospectus shall be made available by the issuer so that any person requesting a copy may receive one. A notice shall be placed on the front of the application form distributed in connection with the offering, informing that interested persons are entitled to a prospectus, if they so desire, and that copies of prospectus may be obtained from the issuer and the issue managers. The subscription application shall indicate in bold type that no sale of securities shall be made, nor shall any money be taken from any person, in connection with such sale until twenty five days after the prospectus has been published. 4. The company shall submit 40 (forty) copies of the printed prospectus to the Securities and Exchange Commission for official record within 5 (Five) working days from the date of publication of the abridged version of the prospectus in the newspaper. 5. The issuer company and the issue managers shall ensure transmission of the prospectus, abridged version of the prospectus and relevant application forms for NRBs through e-mail, simultaneously with publication of the abridged version of the prospectus, to the Bangladesh Embassies and Missions abroad and shall also ensure sending of the printed copies of abridged version of the prospectus and application forms to the said Embassies and Missions within five working days of the publication date by express mail service (EMS) of the postal department. A compliance report shall be submitted in this respect to the SEC jointly by the issuer and the issue managers within two working days from the date of said dispatch of the prospectus & the forms. 6. The paper clipping of the published abridged version of the prospectus, as mentioned at condition 2 above, shall be submitted to the Commission within 24 hours of the publication thereof. 7. The company shall maintain separate bank account(s) for collecting proceeds of the Initial Public Offering and shall also open FC account(s) to deposit the application money of the Non-Resident Bangladeshis (NRBs) for IPO purpose, and shall incorporate full particulars of said FC account(s) in the prospectus. The company shall open the abovementioned accounts for IPO purpose; and close these accounts after refund of over-subscription. Non- Resident Bangladeshi (NRB) means Bangladeshi citizens staying abroad including all those who have dual citizenship (provided they have a valid Bangladeshi passport) or those, whose foreign passport bear a stamp from the concerned Bangladesh Embassy to the effect that no visa is required to travel to Bangladesh. 8. The issuer company shall apply to all the stock exchanges in Bangladesh for listing within 07(seven) working days from the date of issuance of this letter and shall simultaneously submit the vetted prospectus with all exhibits, as submitted to SEC, to the stock exchanges. 9. The following declaration shall be made by the company in the prospectus, namely: â€Å"Declaration about Listing of Shares with the Stock Exchange(s): None of the stock exchange(s), if for any reason, grants listing within 75 days from the closure of subscription, any allotment in terms of this prospectus shall be void and the company shall refund the subscription money within fifteen days from the date of refusal for listing by the stock exchanges, or from the date of expiry of the said 75 (seventy five) days, as the case may be. In case of non -refund of the subscription money within the aforesaid fifteen days, the company directors, in addition to the issuer company, shall be collectively and severally liable for refund of the subscription money, with interest at the rate of 2% (two percent) per month above the bank rate, to the subscribers concerned. -7- Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited The issue managers, in addition to the issuer company, shall ensure due compliance of the above mentioned conditions and shall submit compliance report thereon to the Commission within seven days of expiry of the aforesaid fifteen days time period allowed for refund of the subscription money. † 10. The subscription list shall be opened and the sale of securities commenced after 25 (twenty five) days of the publication of the abridged version of the prospectus and shall remain open for 5 (Five) consecutive banking days. 11. A non-resident Bangladeshi shall apply either directly by enclosing a foreign demand draft drawn on a bank payable at Dhaka, or through a nominee by paying out of foreign currency deposit account maintained in Bangladesh or in Taka, supported by foreign currency encashment certificate issued by the concerned bank, for the value of securities applied for through crossed bank cheque marking â€Å"Account Payee only†. The NRB applicants shall send applications to the issuer company within the closing date of the subscription so as to reach the same to the company by the closing date plus nine days. Applications received by the company after the above time period will not be considered for allotment purpose. 12. The company shall apply the spot buying rate (TT clean) in US Dollar, UK Pound Sterling and Euro of Sonali Bank, which shall be mentioned in the Prospectus, as prevailed on the date of opening of the subscription for the purpose of application of the NRBs and other non-Bangladeshi persons, where applicable. 13. The company and the issue managers shall ensure prompt collection/clearance of the foreign remittances of NRBs and other non-Bangladeshis, if applicable, for allotment of shares. 14. Upon completion of the period of subscription for securities the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly provide the Commission and the stock exchanges with the preliminary status of the subscription within 05 (five) working days, in respect of the following matters, namely: (a) Total number of securities for which subscription has been received; (b) Amount received from the subscription; and (c) Amount of commission paid to the banker to the issue. 15. The issuer and the issue managers shall jointly provide the Commission and the stock exchanges the list of valid and invalid applicants in 2 (two) CDs and final status of subscription to the Commission within 3 (three) weeks after the closure of the subscription along with bank statement (original), branch-wise subscription statement. The list of valid and invalid applicants shall be finalized after examination with the CDBL in respect of BO accounts and particulars thereof. 16. The IPO shall stand cancelled and the application money shall be refunded immediately (but not later than 5 (Five) weeks from the date of the subscription closure) if any of the following events occur: (a) Upon closing of the subscription list it is found that the total number of valid applications (in case of under subscription including the number of the underwriter) is less than the minimum requirement as specified in the listing regulations of the stock exchange(s) concerned; or (b) At least 50% of the IPO is not subscribed. 17. 10% of total public offering shall be reserved for non-resident Bangladeshi (NRB) and 10% for mutual funds and collective investment schemes registered with the Commission, and the remaining 80% shall be open for subscription by the general public. In case of under subscription under any of the 10% categories mentioned above, the unsubscribed portion shall be added to the general public category and, if after such addition, there is over subscription in the general public category, the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly conduct an open lottery of all the applicants added together. 18. All the applicants shall first be treated as applied for one minimum market lot of 50 shares worth Tk. 5000/-. If, on this basis, there is over subscription, then lottery shall be held amongst the applicants allocating one identification number for each application, irrespective of the application money. In case of over-subscription under any of the categories mentioned hereinabove, the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly conduct an open lottery of all the applications received under each category separately in presence of representatives from the issuer, the stock exchanges and the applicants, if there be any. 19. An applicant cannot submit more than two applications, one in his/her own name and another jointly with another person. In case an applicant makes more than two applications, all applications will be treated as invalid and will not be considered for allotment purpose. In addition, whole or part of application money may be forfeited by the Commission. -8- Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited 20. The primary shares allotted to an applicant through IPO may be forfeited by SEC, if the BO account of the said applicant is found closed at the time of allotment of shares. All IPO applicants are required to keep their BO accounts operational till allotment of IPO shares. 21. Lottery (if applicable) shall be held within 4 (four) weeks from closure of the subscription date. 22. The company shall issue share allotment letters to all successful applicants within 5 (five) weeks from the date of the subscription closing date. Within the same time, Refund to the unsuccessful applicants shall be made in the currency in which the value of securities was paid for by the applicants without any interest through Account Payee Cheque/ refund warrants with bank account number, bank’s name and Branch as indicated in the securities application forms payable at Dhaka/ Chittagong/ Khulna/ Rajshahi/ Barisal/ Sylhet/ Bogra, as the case may be subject to condition 19 above. Refund money of the unsuccessful applicants shall be credited directly to their respective bank accounts with in 5 (five) weeks from the date of the subscription closing, who have mentioned in the IPO application forms, bank account numbers with the bankers to the issue and other banks as disclosed in the prospectus. A compliance report in this regard shall be submitted to the Commission within 6(six) weeks from the date of closure of subscription. 23. The company shall furnish the List of Allotees to the Commission and the stock exchange(s) simultaneously in which the shares will be listed, within 24 (twenty four) hours of allotment. 24. In the event of under-subscription of the public offering, the unsubscribed portion of securities shall be taken up by the underwriter(s) (subject to para -16 above). The issuer must notify the underwriter to take up the underwritten shares within 10 (ten) days of the subscription closing date on full payment of the share money within 15(fifteen) days of the issuer’s notice. The underwriter shall not share any underwriting fee with the issue managers, other underwriters, issuer or the sponsor group. 25. All issued shares of the issuer at the time of according this consent shall be subject to a lock – in period of three years from the date of issuance of prospectus or commercial operation, whichever comes later: Provided that the persons, other than directors and those who hold 5% or more, who have subscribed to the shares of the company within immediately preceding two years of according consent, shall be subject to a lock -in period of one year from the date of issuance of prospectus or commercial operation, whichever comes later. 26. Either a Jumbo Share (one for each of the existing Sponsors/ Directors/ Shareholders) in respect of the shares already issued shall be issued covering together respective total holding, which shall contain the expiry date of lock-in period or Sponsors/Directors/Promoters/Shareholders’ shareholding shall be converted into demat form but shall be locked-in as per the condition at para-25 above. 27. In case of Jumbo Share Certificate issued to the existing Sponsors/ Directors/Shareholders, the said share certificates shall be kept under custody of a security custodian bank registered with SEC during the lock-in period. The name and branch of the bank shall be furnished to the Commission jointly by the issuer and the issue managers, along with a confirmation thereof from the custodian bank, within one week of listing of the shares with the stock exchange(s). 28. In case of dematerialization of shares held by the existing Sponsors/ Directors/Shareholders, the copy of dematerialization confirmation report generated by CDBL and attested by the managing director of the company along with lock-in confirmation shall be submitted to SEC within one week of listing of the shares with the stock exchange(s). 29. The company shall apply to the stock exchanges for listing within 7(seven) working days of issuance of this letter and shall simultaneously submit to the Commission attested copies of the application filed with the stock exchanges. 30. The company shall not declare any benefit other than cash dividend based on the financial statement for the period ended December 31, 2007. Part-B 1. The issue managers (i. e. , Alliance Financial Services Limited and South Asia Capital Limited) shall ensure that the abridged version of the prospectus and the full prospectus is published correctly and in strict conformity without any error/omission, as vetted by the Securities and Exchange Commission. 2. The issue managers shall carefully examine and compare the published abridged version of prospectus on the date of publication with the copy vetted by SEC. If any discrepancy/inconsistency is found, both the issuer and the issue managers shall jointly publish a corrigendum immediately in the same newspapers concerned, simultaneously endorsing copies thereof to SEC and the stock exchange(s) concerned, correcting the discrepancy/inconsistency as required under ‘Due Diligence Certificates’ provided with SEC. -9- Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited 3. Both the issuer company and the issue managers shall, immediately after publication of the prospectus and its abridged version, jointly inform the Commission in writing that the published prospectus and its abridged version are verbatim copies of the same as vetted by the Commission. 4. The fund collected through IPO shall not be utilized prior to listing with stock exchange and that utilization of the said fund shall be effected through banking channel, i. e. through account payee cheque, pay order or bank drafts etc. 5. The company shall furnish report to the Commission on utilization of IPO proceeds within 15 days of the closing of each quarter until such fund is fully utilized, as mentioned in the schedule contained in the prospectus, and in the event of any irregularity or inconsistency, the Commission may employ or engage any person, at issuer’s cost, to examine whether the issuer has utilized the proceeds for the purpose disclosed in the prospectus. 6. All transactions, excluding petty cash expenses, shall be effected through the company’s bank account(s). 7. Proceeds of the IPO shall not be used for any purpose other than those specified in the prospectus. Any deviation in this respect must have prior approval of the shareholders in the General Meeting under intimation to SEC and stock exchange(s). 8. The company shall remove the restrictive clauses regarding issuance & transfer of shares and grouping of shares from its Articles of Association. Part C 1. All the above conditions imposed under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 shall be incorporated in the prospectus immediately after the page of the table of contents, with a reference in the table of contents, prior to its publication. 2. The Commission may impose further conditions/restrictions etc. from time to time as and when considered necessary, which shall also be binding upon the issuer company. Part D 1. As per provision of the Depository Act, 1999 and regulations made there under, shares will only be issued in dematerialized condition. All transfer/transmission/splitting will take place in the Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) system and any further issuance of shares (including right/bonus) will be made in dematerialized form only. An applicant (including NRB) shall not be able to apply for allotment of shares without beneficial owner account (BO account). 2. The issue managers shall also ensure due compliance of all above. GENERAL INFORMATION Alliance Financial Services Limited (AFSL) and South Asia Capital Limited (SACL) have prepared the prospectus from information supplied by BSRM Steels Limited (the Issuer Company) and also after several discussions with the Chairman, Managing Director, Directors and concerned executives of the company. BSRM Steels Limited, Alliance Financial Services Limited and South Asia Capital Limited collectively and individually, having made all reasonable inquiries, confirm that to the best of their knowledge and belief, the information contained herein is true and correct in all material aspects and that there are no other material facts, the omission of which, would make any statement herein misleading. No person is authorized to give any information or to make any representation not contained in this Prospectus and if given or made, any such information and representation must not be relied upon as having been authorized by the company or Alliance Financial Services Limited and South Asia Capital Limited. The Issue as contemplated in this prospectus is made in Bangladesh and is subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Bangladesh. Forwarding this prospectus to any person resident outside Bangladesh in no way implies that the issue is made in accordance with the laws of that country or is subject to the jurisdiction of the laws of that country. A copy of this prospectus may be obtained from the Corporate Head Office of BSRM Steels Limited, Alliance Financial Services Limited, South Asia Capital Limited, the Underwriters and the Stock Exchanges where the securities will be traded. – 10 – Issuer Issue Managers  ¦  ¦  ¦ Alliance Financial Services Limited BSRM Steels Limited South Asia Capital Limited Declarations and Due Diligence Certificates Declaration about the Responsibility of the Directors, including the CEO of the Company â€Å"BSRM Steels Limited† in Respect of the Prospectus This prospectus has been prepared, seen and approved by us, and we, individually and collectively, accept full responsibility for the authenticity and accuracy of the statements made, information given in the prospectus, documents, financial statements, exhibits, annexes, papers submitted to the Commission in support thereof, and confirm, after making all reasonable inquiries that all conditions concerning this public issue and prospectus have been met and that there are no other information or documents the omission of which make any information or statements therein misleading for which the Commission may take any civil, criminal or administrative action against any or all of us as it may deem fit. We also confirm that full and fair disclosure has been made in this prospectus to enable the investors to make a well-informed decision f or investment. Sd/ Alihussain Akberali Chairman Sd/Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Aameir Alihussain Managing Director* Sd/Tehseen Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Sabeen Aameir Director Consent of the Directors to Serve We hereby agree that we have been serving as Directors of â€Å"BSRM Steels Limited† and confirm to continue to act as Directors of the Company. Sd/ Alihussain Akberali Chairman Sd/Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Aameir Alihussain Managing Director* Sd/Tehseen Zohair Taherali Director Sd/Sabeen Aameir Director * Mr. Aameir Alihussain is also a shareholder Director of the company. Declaration about filing of Prospectus with the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies & Firms A dated and signed copy of the Prospectus has been filed for registration with the Registrar of J

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Past Conditional Sentence Worksheets

Past Conditional Sentence Worksheets Here is a quick review of the third, or past unreal conditional form. In general, the third conditional is used to imagine past situations results that would have been different if something else had been changed. Teachers can use this guide on how to teach conditionals, as well as this conditional forms lesson plan to introduce and practice the first and second conditional forms in class. Third / Past Unreal Conditional If Subject Past Perfect (positive or negative) Objects, Subject Conditional Perfect (would have done, positive or negative) Objects Examples: If he had finished the work on time, we would have played a round of golf yesterday afternoon.If the meeting had been successful, we would have become partners with Smith and Co. The if clause can also be placed at the end of the sentence. In this case, no comma is required. Examples: They would have been very happy if he had passed the exam.Jane would have married Tom if he had asked her. Third Unreal Conditional with Wish Wish can also be used with the past perfect to express a desired, unreal result in the past. Subject Wish Subject Past Perfect (positive or negative) Objects Examples: I wish I had had more time to study when I was young.She wishes he had been promoted to CEO. Conditional 3 Worksheet 1 Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional. If they _____ (have) the time, they would have attended the meeting.Jason _____ (recognize) the winner if he had been told.If I _____ (know) his name, I would have said hello.If the president had been informed in time, he _____ (make) a different decision.If Mary _____ (try) again, she would have been successful.The children wouldnt have been so upset if they _____ (be give - use passive voice) the candy.If Jerry _____ (spend) more money on the repair work, it would have worked well.We _____ (believe) them if they had told us the story.She would have finished the report on time if she _____ (know) all the facts.If we _____ (not buy) that car, we wouldnt have gone on vacation. Conditional 3 Worksheet 2 Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional, or sentence with wish. She _____ (wish) she had known about the problems. If they _____ (ask) the right questions, they _____ (receive) the right answers.She wouldnt have been allowed to speak if she _____ (disagree) with his point of view.I _____ (wish) they had thought twice before doing that.We wish we _____ (know) about those people.Alice _____ (not speak) to him if she had been asked ahead of time.They wouldnt have thought twice about dinner if they _____ (ask) to help out with preparation.She wishes she _____ (apply) for the bank position.If I _____ (invest) in Apple, I would have become a millionaire!Oliver _____ (not know) the answer if you had asked him. Check your answers on the next page. Conditional 3 Worksheet 1 Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional. If they had had the time, they would have attended the meeting.Jason would have recognized the winner if he had been told.If I had known his name, I would have said hello.If the president had been informed in time, he would have made a different decision.If Mary had tried again, she would have been successful.The children wouldnt have been so upset if they had been given the candy.If Jerry had spent more money on the repair work, it would have worked well.We would have believed them if they had told us the story.She would have finished the report on time if she had known all the facts.If we hadnt bought that car, we wouldnt have gone on vacation. Conditional 3 Worksheet 2 Conjugate the verb in parentheses in the correct tense used in the third conditional, or sentence with wish. She wishes she had known about the problems.If they had asked the right questions, they would have received the right answers.She wouldnt have been allowed to speak if she had disagreed with his point of view.I wish they had thought twice before doing that.We wish we had known about those people.Alice wouldnt have spoken to him if she had been asked ahead of time.They wouldnt have thought twice about dinner if they had asked to help out with preparation.She wishes she had applied for the bank position.If I had invested in Apple, I would have become a millionaire!Oliver wouldnt have known the answer if you had asked him.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Malaria in pregnancy in African Region Essay Example

Malaria in pregnancy in African Region Essay Example Malaria in pregnancy in African Region Essay Malaria in pregnancy in African Region Essay Background of Malaria Malaria is a catching disease to people of all ages and is caused by parasites of the species plasmodium. Plasmodium falciparum ( P. falciparum ) has the most consequence on maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. The effects on the wellness position of adult females and their progeny following infection with P vivax, P ovale, and P malariae are less documented. Transmission is from one individual to the other through infected mosquito bites with symptoms normally looking between 10-15 yearss after the mosquito bite and these consist of febrility, concern, and purging. If non treated rapidly, malaria can go dangerous ensuing in the break of blood supply to vital organic structure variety meats ( WHO, 2004 ) . More frequently than non, Malaria is known as a illness of poorness ( Gullup and Sachs 2001 ; Sachs and Malaney 2002 ; World Health Organisation/UNICEF 2003 ) . Following the unsuccessful Global Programme for Malaria Eradication in 1969, malaria obliteration has non been notably feasible. Nevertheless, in October 2007, Melinda and Bill Gates resurrected the desire to eliminate malaria which was further endorsed by the World Health Organisation ( WHO ) and the Roll Back Malaria ( RBM ) Partnership. The African part consists of 50 states prone to malaria transmittal with 47 situated in sub-Saharan Africa bearing the bulk of the malaria burden worldwide. Malaria remains as one of the chief causes of morbidity and mortality globally. Given that the planetary parts that experience inordinate malaria load covers the less advanced systems of wellness, it is deserving observing that the reported figures of coverage stand foring deceases and clinical instances yearly are best estimations. Approximately 86 % of Africa s full population life in the countries of high transmittal is at hazard where one in every five ( 20 % ) childhood deceases is due to the effects of the disease ( Figure 1 ) . In Zimbabwe malaria is still a terrible public wellness job across the full age groups doing it the 3rd commonest disease from HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis ( WHO, 2008 ) . Plasmodium ovale and P. malariae relate to 2 % of reported instances with 98 % from P. falciparum and Anopheles arabiensis as the individual vector in conveying the disease. However, kids under the age of five old ages, pregnant adult females, the aged and individuals that have HIV/AIDS are at high hazard. There is 1.5 million malaria incidents reported every 12 months while an norm of 1,000 persons die from malaria. There has been a perceptible decrease of both morbidity and mortality rates in the state. Epidemiology of Malaria in Pregnancy in the African Region Malaria in gestation ( MIP ) is an obstetric, societal and medical job necessitating multidisciplinary and multidimensional solution. Every twelvemonth, around 25 million adult females in Africa autumn pregnant and during that period are at hazard from P. falciparum malaria ( WHO, 2008 ) . The disease contributes to the deceases of an estimated 10,000 pregnant adult females and up to 200,000 babies each twelvemonth in Africa entirely ( Steketee, 2001 ) . Its load is significantly represented and attending records to antenatal clinics are comparatively good and by and large really small coverage with intercessions for the bar and intervention of malaria in those adult females at hazard. The load of malaria is non every bit distributed since transmittal nowadayss it as a disease focused in the Torrid Zones, but with a range into semitropical parts in five continents ( Figure 2 and 3 ) ( WHO, 2008 ) . Despite jobs experienced, there has been important developments made in specifying the world-wide spread of malaria ( Hay and Snow, 2006 ; Guerra, Snow, and Hay, 2006 ) . As highlighted from an increasing organic structure of grounds, this suggests that the causal nexus runs in both waies, as malaria decreases economic growing rises ( Gallup A ; Sachs 2001 ) . Malaria in Pregnancy in the African Region The entire prostration in Zimbabwe s wellness system due to the on-going worsened economic system and intensified poorness has resulted in a rough mortality rate of 20/1000 population and infant mortality rate at 64/1000 unrecorded births ( OCHA, 2009 ) . However, the maternal mortality ratio continues to be inordinate at 725/100,000 unrecorded births ( OCHA, 2009 ) . Approximately half of the state s population stay in high transmittal countries where transmittal is volatile. While Zimbabwe was in reception of assistance from assorted spouses via UNICEF, in 2008 about 70 % spread in critical demands still existed ( OCHA, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the 2005/2006 Zimbabwe demographic wellness study, there was instead a lower rate of pregnant adult females utilizing cyberspaces and those in urban countries ( 13 % in Harare ) used more than those in rural countries ( 5 % in Midlands ) ( CSO [ Zimbabwe ] and Macro International Inc. , ( 2007 ) . Therefore, in order for MIP to be addressed to the full in Zimbabwe, the authorities demand to instantly reconstruct and beef up its wellness attention services. Midwifes all over the universe expression after adult females who face the danger of the disease ( Keeney, 2004 ; Raisler, 2001 ; Davidson, 2002 ) . Following malaria infection, there is a tendency in relation to strength of the disease ( Snow, Craig, Hewton and Steketee, 2003 ; Parise et al 1998 and WHO/AFRO, 2004 ) as a consequence of the altering downswing of cell-mediated unsusceptibility happening for the continuance of gestation ( Griffith, Lewis, Mali and Parise, 2007 ) . Those pregnant adult females who are by so exposed to hypoglycaemia due to heighten pancreatic A ; szlig ; -cell map, have a greater possibility of diagnostic hypoglycemia through Plasmodium infection as a consequence of maternal hyperinsulinaemia, parasite and maternal glucose demands during feverish unwellness, and reduced liver animal starch shops from reduced unwritten consumption linked to anorexia and emesis ( Bouyou-Akotet, et Al, 2003 ) . The effects of MIP vary from different factors, like the perio d of gestation, degree of unsusceptibility, gravidness, and the presence or absence of comorbidity ( Bouyou-Akotet, et Al, 2003 and Coll et Al, 2008 ) . Once the immune system is compromised during gestation the unwanted effects of MIP consist of maternal anemia, preterm bringing, self-generated abortion, low-birth weight ( LBW ) , inborn infection, maternal decease and spontaneous abortion ( Schultz et al, 1994 ; Verhoeff, et Al, 1998 ; Njagi et Al, 2000 ; Parise, et al 1998 ; Shulman, et Al, 1999 ) . Prevention and Control The two basic elements of malaria control are: early diagnosings that will supply entree to disease direction and prompt effectual intervention to shorten the continuance of infection and prevent farther complications. Success in malaria control and riddance is of import in all states in order to understate peripheral and placental infection and anemia during gestation and the subsequent maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, there are several states where it is important to accomplish the RBM marks, both in the short- and medium- to long-run, due to the malaria deceases distribution ( Figure 3 ) . Harmonizing to the Africa Malaria Report ( 2006 ) , 35 sub-Saharan African states have adopted IPTp in their policies but issues still exist in their execution at state degree. Prevention of MIP includes intermittent preventative intervention ( IPTp ) with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine ( SP ) , insecticide-treated cyberspaces ( ITNs ) , and instance direction of malaria infection and anemia ( WHO, 2000 ) . Although few states in Africa presently provide intermittent presumptive intervention in gestation ( IPTp ) as portion of regular prenatal attention, prenatal contacts provide an chance to present a scope of malaria control intercessions ( e.g. IPTp, ITNs ) . In endemic countries, bar and intervention of the disease are critical factors of prenatal attention, but need to be weighed up during gestation. Re-occurrence of malaria in gestation even after drug intervention is more frequent ensuing in the addition of drug immune parasites to the little figure of those drugs that have been accepted as harmless to the adult female and the fetus. Pressing precedence is required to determine those drugs that are harmless and effectual in pregnant adult females. As per WHO recommendations, disposal of IPTp antimalarial medicines at predefined intervals will protect the pregnant adult female from malaria ( Crawley, et Al, 2007 and Peters, Thigpen, Parise, Newman, 2007 ) . IPTp is indispensable given that placental malarial infection may perchance be in the absence of peripheral parasitemia when infection is non apparent in blood vilifications ( Mankhambo, Kanjala, Rudman, Lema and Rogerson 2002 ) , and symptomless marks from these adult females with placental malaria may besides be present. Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine ( SP ) is given out in the 2nd and 3rd periods of gestation. SP has shown to be harmless and an effectual defense mechanism against peripheral and placental infection and anemia and minimises the incidence of LBW ( WHO, 2000 and WHO/AFRO, 2004 ) during gestation. Artemisinin-based combination therapies ( ACTs ) though dearly-won are more effectual in that two or more drugs are used at the same time with independent manner of action that offer unrelated manner of action to their mark therefore aid to prolong the effectivity of IPTp ( Peters, Thigpen, Parise and Newman, 2007 ) . SP is normally used in Africa as an IPT of MIP. Malaria susceptibleness in gestation has a delayed effect on birth weight results, but a more serious consequence on still birth hazard. MIP in sub-Saharan Africa is estimated to account for ( UNICEF ) : 8 14 % of low birth weight ( LBW ) and 30 % preventable LBW 8 36 % of preterm bringing 70 % of growing deceleration 3 8 % of all infant deceases 2 15 % of maternal anemia Sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during gestation was deemed harmless and efficacious for the bar of placental malaria in pregnant adult females in Kenya ( Parise, et Al, 1998 ) . IPTp with a farther survey by Shulman, et Al ( 1999 ) demonstrated that even one dosage of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine during the 2nd and/or 3rd trimester of gestation was effectual in diminishing the happening of serious anemia ( Shulman, et Al, 1999 ) . ITNs usage minimise the contact between female parent and her kids from the malaria vector ( Crawley, et Al, 2007 ) . Snow, et Al ( 2004 ) performed an ecological survey analysis deducing that disablement and decease ensuing from malaria may perchance be greater than once detected and suggested that implementing ITNs throughout Africa should be the chief concern to heighten kid endurance ( Snow, et Al, 2004 ) . CDC tests proved that the usage of ITNs consequences to a 20 % decrease in most instances of child decease ( WHO, 2000 and ter Kuile, et Al, 2003 ) . Figure 4 shows the position of IPTs policy and execution at state degree in 2005. Treatment of malaria in gestation Training of wellness attention workers so that they rapidly recognize unwellness and effectual intervention is critical for effectual instance direction of malaria and anemia. Regular anemia testing for MIP and Fe supplementation is besides recommended by WHO ( WHO/AFRO, 2004 ) . The regional Plasmodium species determines the pick of the exact drug for malaria intervention in gestation with any identified drug sensitivenesss or opposition, consideration to the possible advantage versus possible results, and whichever contraindications to use in gestation. WHO and CDC provide comprehensive and up-to-date processs for covering with simple and serious MIP ( ter Kuile, et Al, 2003 and WHO, 2000 ) . Uncomplicated chloroquine-resistant P. falciparum is treated with quinine along with clindamycin as per CDC recommendations. In instances of terrible infection, endovenous intervention with quinidine gluconate plus clindamycin, Achromycin, or Vibramycin is used ( Griffith, Lewis, Mali and Parise, 2007 ) . As per WHO s blessing, during the first three months of gestation, quinine together with clindamycin is the chosen class of therapy to handle unsophisticated P falciparum malaria ( WHO, 2000 ) . If clindamycin is non available or one can non afford to purchase, quinine monotherapy should be provided. However, quinine is restricted due to the disadvantages it presents that consist of the drawn-out class of intervention and the increased hazard of hypoglycemia during the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of gestation. ACT is promoted by tonss of planetary wellness bureaus as the favoured step in the intervention of malaria in Africa to heighten efficaciousness and to understate the spread of opposition and the likeliness of decreased malaria transmittal ( WHO, 2000 ; Garner, and Graves, 2005 ; M A ; eacute ; decins Sans Fronti A ; egrave ; RESs, 2004 ) . Intervention Interventions to forestall malaria include intermittent preventative intervention, insecticide-treated cyberspaces, and instance direction of malaria infection and anemia. However, current intercession riddance attempts are driven by the ministries of wellness of malaria-endemic states. They get proficient support from WHO and its spouses, and a few are maintained by fiscal awards from the Global Fund, but most financess come from national authoritiess. The Global Malaria Action Plan was developed in September 2008 through audience with representatives from the Roll Back Malaria Partnership ( RBM ) in 1998 and other experts from assorted specialist Fieldss ; the United Nations Millennium Declaration in 2000, the Abuja Declaration by African Heads of State in 2000, the World Health Assembly in 2005, and the RBM planetary strategic program 2005-2015 have all contributed to the constitution of ends, indexs and marks for malaria control. Harmonizing to a proposal on steps to travel from malaria control to riddance, an indicant was given that a speedy bend down in the load of malaria is executable when a comprehensive bundle of malaria bar and control is put into pattern in the same geographic country at the same clip, as been witnessed in Botswana, Eritrea, Sao Tome and Principe, South Africa and Swaziland ( WHO/AFRO, 2009 ) . In September 2008, RBM launched the Global Malaria Action Plan that defines the stairss required to speed up accomplishment of the Partnership s 2010 and 2015 marks for malaria control and riddance ( WHO/AFRO, 2009 ) . The improved effort to pull off malaria on a planetary degree and move in the way of riddance in some states is founded on the latest coevals of effectual tools and methods for bar and intervention. The rise in the usage of IRS, LLINs, ACTs presents an exceeding option to command and, in selected states, extinguish malaria. Issues and challenges in malaria in gestation In order for the intercessions to be effectual in the bar and control of MIP, there are assorted identified challenges that would necessitate turn toing as follows: Enhancing monitoring and rating systems that will include scaling up intercession programmes that addresses: convergences in diagnosing, complexness and costs of drugs opposition ; possible for drug interactions ; and harmonizing activities by Malaria, HIV and Reproductive Health plans. Sufficient human resources and managerial capacity so that bar and control programmes are efficaciously managed. Enhancing schemes to obtain more adult females go toing all their ANC visits early plenty and guaranting services are available. Enhanced coaction with spouses to scale-up intercessions. Enhancing undertaking malaria and HIV/AIDS co-morbidities in those adult females at hazard. Decisions Based on the reappraisal by Desai et Al ( 2007 ) , it is apparent that the clinical effects of MIP to the female parent and the kid and the extent of the job are enormous but the challenge remains of the presence of important cognition spreads that hinder the consideration of and aptitude of commanding this of import public wellness issue. However, there is demand to heighten socio-economic development in order to increase feasibleness and effectivity of malaria control schemes. The inquiry still remains to measure whether the RBM marks set to cut down mortality and morbidity by 50 % will be met by the mark day of the month in 2010 ( RBM, 2008 ) .

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Blurryface by Twenty One Pilots

Imagine all of your insecurities and fears manifested into an entity, one that will remain with you your entire life. You have no way to get rid of it or hide. This character is called Blurryface. Released in 2015, twenty one pilots’ album, Blurryface, opened up a new form of music. A mix of pop, rock, and rap, the lead singer, Tyler Joseph, does it all to portray Blurryface within him. Through his lyrics, you’ll also realize how relatable the situations are to your own personal life or even the life of someone you may know, separating it from the usual songs about teenage angst. Twenty one pilots is a two man band formed by Tyler Joseph in Ohio. He is the lead vocalist and the only singer of the group. The other member is drummer, Josh Dun. Everything began in 2009 within a little town and since then, things have been getting better for the duo. They went from selling tickets in front of a Chick-fil-A at the mall, to having two nearly sold out shows at Madison Square Garden. Twenty one pilots even have two songs, â€Å"Ride† and â€Å"Stressed Out,† that made it to the Billboard. Blurryface also earned multiple awards such as the Billboard Music Award for Top Rock Album and the iHeartRadio Music Award for Alternative Rock, making it quite the accomplishment for Josh and Tyler. This album is different from the previous one, Vessel, which had a cheerful tune. The constant use of piano chords swapped with ukulele strumming, and the soft, muffled synths are now replaced with a sharp, cold tone. Both changes can be heard through the songs â€Å"The Judge† and â€Å"Fairly Local† from Blurryface. â€Å"The Judge,† opens with a ukulele which plays through the rest of the song and â€Å"Fairly Local† starts with a beat that sounds like the buzzing within a light bulb and even includes a short section of low, grumbly vocals that belong to none other than Blurryface itself. Although the differences found in Blurryface are a huge comparison to Vessel, it is what makes Blurryface so unique in its musical style. The significance of the lyrics found in Tyler’s songs also plays a role. If you pay close attention to the song â€Å"Goner,† you’ll realize that Tyler Joseph is referencing the feeling of being trapped between his two identities, Blurryface and himself. This relationship can also be compared with a teen’s fight for identity when deciding who they are in public or in private. â€Å"I’ve got two faces,† Tyler sings in defeat,† Blurry’s the one I’m not.† This tone really allows the listener to understand what he is going through in the song. Blurryface spreads a powerful message through its heartfelt lyrics and, at the same time, has you jamming out to the music playing in the background. But in the end, the two sounds blended together will definitely have you feeling less â€Å"stressed out† than before.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Theories of Sentencing and Punishment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Theories of Sentencing and Punishment - Essay Example "Philosophical reflection on punishment has helped cause, and is itself partially an effect of, developments in the understanding of punishment that have taken place outside the academic world(STANFORD ENCYCLOPEDIA)i". In ordinary sense, punishment indicates a retributive treatment. Before going to the deeper, it is necessary to add that whatever the form of punishment may be, i. e. preventive, retributive, reformative and so on; the core purpose of punishment is to facilitate the offenders getting rectified and make other people conscious as to the negative impact of criminalities. In this context, before providing the treatment to a particular offender, the societal aspects of the offenders should be given utmost importance. In addition, it may also be reasoned that as without threat and coercion, the social order cannot be achieved the introduction of punishment for the prevention of crimes and maintaining social order is so necessary. The punishment awarded should be rational in proportion to the degree and nature of punishment. The effects of punishment have made people aware as to its consequences. Thus, the philosophical outlook of punishment is greatly laid in assessing the merits of punishments awarded. But the habitual offenders or recidivist should not be treated alike to that of other offenders. Axiomatically speaking, punishment should not be so atrocious rendering inhumane; not violating the right of the offenders; should be proportional. Justifiability of the Theories of Punishment Countries have developed different theories of punishment while dispensing the criminal justice system in their respective legal systems. Most prominent theories are deterrent, retributive, preventive and reformative. Principally, the purpose of deterrent theory is to keep the offenders aloof from committing the crimes. They are made understood as to the negative implications of the crimes. Efforts are also made to help the offenders in making rational decision as regards the consequences of punishment. Reasonably, there is no unanimous opinion as regards the suitability of retributive theory. "There is a mix theory involving the traditional retributivism and utilitarian arguments along with some other theoretical ideas (Sentencing Law and Policy, 2005)ii".Actually, neither of the punitive, retributive, or reformative treatment of punishment can serve the purpose of sustaining social instability. Both the punitive and reformative approach should be coordinated for the better result o f punishment and help building the society in a sophisticated manner. Punishment should be provided all alike. But, "many federal white collar defendants spend their increasingly long sentences in still low-security (Mike, 2005)iii". In America, race, gender and age are most prominent considerations in case of sentencing and punishing the offenders. "Young black males are sentenced more harshly than any other group and the influence of offender's age on sentencing is greater among males than females (STEFFENSMEIER, ULMER & KRAMER, 1998)iv". Statutory Provisions "Evidence of confessions or admissions is admissible in the court subject to certain conditions determining whether they are voluntary and/or reliable (Nobles & Schiff, 2000)v". It is certain that

Carbonated Drinks Industry Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Carbonated Drinks Industry - Case Study Example It is in this aspect that Coke is differentiated. Unlike other products intended for a specific market niche, Coke targets a wide market range - from the mass market to the high end segment. This is in line with the vision of former company president Robert W. Woodruff, that everyone on Earth consumed Coke. To limit the scope, this paper assesses Coke in the context of the carbonated drinks segment in the UK. It evaluates the supply conditions given the prevailing market structure and competition among softdrink suppliers. Furthermore, this paper discusses the barriers to entry and political or social factors impacting the industry. It also considers the factors that drive demand, prospects in the carbonated drinks segment given changing demand trends and potential entry of new players. The 5-billion UK carbonated drinks market has more than adequate supply of carbonated drinks (The UK Softdrinks Market 2004). Notable colas include Coke; Pepsi Cola, Coke's major rival; Zamzam Cola, which is named after Mecca's holy spring; Virgin Cola, which is marketed under Sir Richard Branson's company; and Mecca Cola, which is promoted as Muslim people's alternative to US-made softdrinks. (McCaffrey 2005) In terms of market structure, the UK carbonated drinks sector may be character... Although there are numerous players in the industry, the cola drinks offered are differentiated depending on the preference of the market niche targeted (Gans, King, Stonecash & Mankiw pp.76-8). For instance, Mecca Cola is differentiated as it is advertised as the cola for Muslims. Bearing the catchphrase "No more drinking stupid, drink with commitment," (McCaffrey 2005) supplier creates a different brand that appeals to Muslim communities and their sentiments on Western culture. On the contrary, the UK carbonated drinks market may be classified as oligopolistic since it is dominated by few major suppliers. Quantitatively, oligopoly is derived by using the four-firm concentration ratio, measuring the percentage market share of the four largest firms in an industry (Samuelson & Nordhaus 2001 pp. 89-93). A ratio of beyond 40% generally renders the market as oligopolistic (Tirole 1988). According to Canadean, Coca-Cola Company alone has captured 45.3% of the market share of the UK carbonated softdrinks category in 2004. This indicates that the total market share of the two giant suppliers have gone above the threshold, thus, the industry may be deemed oligopolistic. Competition Unlike other oligopolistic industries wherein collusion of firms to raise prices is observed (Samuelson & Nordhaus 2001 pp. 89-93), Coca-Cola and Pepsi continue to battle each other in the marketing arena. Albeit their rivalry has spanned for almost a century, non-price competition has prevailed. These firms utilise extensive media mileage to compete with each other and foster brand loyalty. This is evidenced by the substantial allocation of firms for advertising cost. Instead of pricing, though the retail prices of Coke and Pepsi Cola do not substantially vary, they are observed to

Special Qualitites of Japanese Woodblock Prints Essay

Special Qualitites of Japanese Woodblock Prints - Essay Example Not only were the woodblock prints a source of entertainment and enchantment, they were also vital to the propagation of Buddhist philosophy and art. (Priest, 1959) As a consequence, the evolution of Zen Buddhism in Japan is neatly documented in this medium of art. The rest of this essay will analyze two Japanese woodblock prints – taken one each from The Seattle Museum of Asian Art and the Metropolitan Museum of Art respectively – and study their similarities and differences in the backdrop of the evolution of the technique. The two woodblock prints chosen for this essay are – Crow and Heron (Young Lovers Walking Under an Umbrella in a Snowstorm, ca. 1769) and Two Ladies Looking Through a Telescope (Hokusai, 19th century) - from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and Seattle Museum of Asian Art respectively. The Crow and Heron was created by Suzuki Harunobu and is made of woodcut print on paper. This print carries many typical characteristics of the art and cultural sensibilities of the period. Firstly, chivalry being a cherished virtue in high Japanese society, the man is shown to hold the umbrella for his lover. The demureness and shyness of the lady is complemented by the glitter and passion in the eyes of her beloved. The robes worn by the lovers further accentuate this complementariness. The dark brown shades of the man’s robes align and merge with the soft white robe of the lady. The tresses and folding of their robes form a unified pattern. (Meech, 1982) Japanese woodblock prints reveal much information about the social structures and cultural norms of corresponding eras. They also show the signature styles of various artists. The Crow and Heron print shows the â€Å"rise of the wealthy chonin and their interest in elegant clothes, pleasurable pastimes, and the arts, especially woodblock prints. Harunobu depicted beautiful women being slender and graceful. He did not individualize his figures, but presented them as idealized ima ges without unique features†. (, 2006) It is interesting to note that the flourishing of woodprint art during the Edo period is largely due to the patronage of the aristocratic class. Indeed, the â€Å"pleasure quarters and the sophisticated entertainments they offered exerted an enormous impact on the culture of the Edo period.† (, 2003) In this light, it is a paradox that the Buddhist message of austerity and detachment was propagated in equal measure through the art form. For instance, one prominent feature of this Buddhist ethos is that of ukiyo, which stands for the transitory nature of life. Both the works in discussion exhibit this quality in terms of their impressions. Hence, the revelry of Japanese high society went hand in hand with the simplicity of Buddhist philosophy in shaping the rules and aesthetics of woodprint art. This contra-direction is exemplified in the upturning of the meani ng of ukiyo from ‘transitory’ to that of ‘joie de vivre’. This â€Å"hedonistic culture that glorified life in the ‘floating world’ was particularly well expressed in the production of woodblock prints, which made available to anyone with a bit of extra cash captivating images of seductive courtesans, exciting kabuki actors, and famous romantic vistas. For the first time, artists were inspired by and responded

Thursday, October 17, 2019

A Review of the Costs and Benefits of Globalisation Essay

A Review of the Costs and Benefits of Globalisation - Essay Example It will also include the continuing debate over globalisation as well as the possible compromises and solutions. Lastly, it will present a brief observation on the progresses and achievements of globalisation thus far. Analysis of the Economic and Political benefits of Globalisation   Globalisation increases the use and transfer of science management competencies and products of science and technology, generating advantageous situations for underdeveloped and developing nations to acquire and build sophisticated technology, advancing their own management and organisation proficiencies, and perform the processes of industrialisation and modernisation (Amoore 2005). Globalisation builds favourable conditions to accelerate the adjustment of occupational arrangement within a nation. Every nation can gain advantage from the alteration of economic system to capitalise on its vantage points in the market. Globalisation generates positive circumstances for underdeveloped nations to take ad vantage of foreign investment for the conduct of industrialisation and modernisation, by making use of foreign and local assets efficiently (Ritzer & Atalay 2010). Globalisation builds an excellent condition for the formation of the global economy. The inputs from global information system, infrastructure, and advanced technology have enhanced business success and production efficiency, improved productivity, surpass problems of oversupply, and reduced prices (Stonehouse et al. 2004). An enlarged market brings about advantageous conditions for economic competition and alliance, giving rise to mutual growth and development. Globalisation builds favourable situations for every nation to...This essay offers a fact-based analysis of the benefits and costs of globalisation to political economies all over the world. There is also the continuing debate over globalisation as well as the possible compromises and solutions in the paper. Globalisation increases the use and transfer of science management competencies and products of science and technology, generating advantageous situations for underdeveloped and developing nations to acquire and build sophisticated technology, advancing their own management and organisation proficiencies, and perform the processes of industrialisation and modernisation. Globalisation builds an excellent condition for the formation of the global economy. The inputs from global information system, infrastructure, and advanced technology have enhanced business success and production efficiency, improved productivity, surpass problems of oversupply. Support for globalisation remains pervasive, particularly when multilateralism is perceived an element for reinforcing social values and norms. Specifically, the compromise between global action and local independence remains authentic. Every nation has to adapt its political economies to global policies in order to incorporate into the global economy, take part in global markets, exploit capital, and enhance human resources and technology. The benefits of globalisation rely on global regulations and standards. It implies that every nation has to confront the demands of the local and global economy and negative aspects of the market economy.

Workplace Bullying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Workplace Bullying - Essay Example It is important to understand workplace bullying because it involves the issue of self-esteem and other psychological considerations. It is in line with this that the proponent of this paper tries to find out the characteristics of workplace bullying prior to understanding it in detail. Furthermore, the proponent tries to find some preventive measures that an organization can actually do about workplace bullying. Characteristics of workplace bullying In order to understand the characteristics of workplace bullying, it is important to understand first the characteristics of bullies and their victim. Perpetrators in the workplace bullying are commonly found to be higher in rank than the target (Tuckey, Dollard, Hosking & Winefield, 2009). This result consists of different implications but the most triggering one is the inclusion of power. Thus, this definitely suggests that a boss can be a perfect person to be identified as one of the workplace bullies. However, the daily work interact ion does not only happen between a boss and the workers, but with their co-workers. This means that bullying literally happens among co-workers themselves. The perpetrators of the victim in the workplace bullying in this case may be powerful enough that the latter could not resist from being harm. The perpetrator may have potential influence or power allowing him to create more allies in the workplace bullying. This was critically presented from the ‘Glee’ where two professors are making fun of the strange-looking soccer football coach. The other professor was so dominating and has the influence to find for her allies against someone else. Thus, it is clear in this case that workplace bullying has become aggravated by attempting to create a group against the victim. The bullying becomes so intense and powerful in this case which is enough to destroy one’s morale or self-esteem. Bullying therefore cannot have substantial strength against its victim if it has no en ough power or consolidated force which would be enough to harm one’s emotional make up. This power which is generated when one or two bullies come into unison is so strong that it would be enough to destroy emotional stability of a person. Workplace bullying therefore is trying to create extreme pleasure at the expense of the victims. This is a self-centered view of looking at happiness or pleasure by not taking into account what the others might feel or experience. There is no thinking of undesirable impacts in workplace bullying at the point of view of the bullies, but it is just about to fulfill their longing for fun or pleasure at the expense of their victim. This can be considered as work violence because one’s emotional stability has been harmed. There is harm involved in here though not physically but emotionally considering that there are different personalities combined together in order to create a strong effort to destroy one’s emotional stability. It is in line with this that it is important to understand different personalities of bullies. Kohut was able to identify different characteristics of a bullying boss or co-worker and these include different personalities such as narcissistic, antisocial, ASPD, antisocial narcissist, PPD, histrionic, borderline, obsessive-compulsive, dependent, schizoid, and avoidant (2008). It is therefore implied that in order to determine the degree of workplace bullying is to understand the behaviors and personalities of bullies and of the victim. Workplace bullying therefore is characterized by the inclusion of different extreme human personalities and behaviors that stand as important factors in order to effectively